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Unnamed Invoker Set (WIP)

Decided to finally start doing workshop stuff. Invokers my favorite hero so why not make him a set to start things off. If anyone wants to help think of a name by all means go ahead and shoot some ideas. A few things are still up in the air design wise like the outer collar and his helmet. I'm kind of thinking it might be a big no no to cover a heroes face but I've seen helmets for Axe and Dragonknight that come close or completely cover their faces. Any suggestions and/or critiques are more than welcome since I really don't have a clue what I'm really doing.


A doodle I did to get an idea of where to start.


  • juraiknight
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    juraiknight polycounter lvl 3
    I don't see a problem with covering the face of a hero, so long as it fits with their character. For instance, if you covered up Drow's face, it would not be believable because an archer needs to see. Now, for Invoker I could see because he's a magic user and, lets be honest, there are hundreds of games that have the magic users have some sort of mask or cover for their face since their sight isn't as important as their magic. I like the initial design, it gives Invoker more of a mystic look which is awesome. My only concern is that, if you do cover up his face you have to keep in mind that the view of the game will take out a lot of detail and might distort the opening for the face that you do have.
  • Guidance
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    Yea, I always thought this type of look would fit him well considering the style of his attire and I've always liked the idea of masks on mages. Good point about the distortion. Hopefully I can nail down a solid design for these things since this will be my first submission, thanks for the feedback.
  • Amtyk
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    I'd like to see a design with either a singular, purple only eye piece, a singular one with all three colors, or perhaps even looking to purple eye slits. Also, I'd think about making the batman-like ears a little more ornate; based on what I've seen from Invoker's design, he has a lot of opportunities for flowy curves on his pieces. Even just making them thinner would be nice. The model is looking nice so far!
  • Psych
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    Sorry to post it here, but since you are making an Invoker set you probably know the things I need. I've been doing some set for him too and I can't really get to bind the head piece properly... this is a quick render how it looks in Maya edk0.jpg

    And this is how it looks ingame xy2n.jpg

    The problem is that the head piece is not really moving his head movements even though I bound it properly (not my first time making items :P). I even tried painting the weights manually but it doesn't seem to work. So if you could share some knowledge on how to get the head piece bound properly I would be grateful :)
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