Hi guys,
We are currently working on our final project for school. Our plan is it to make a InGame Trailer in UDK. We are also planing to let people walk through the level at this years Gamescom. (right now we are heading into our 3rd month in working with UDK). Our Team consists out of 2 people. (Justin Green and Martin Vater.)
The story plays in the Favelas of Rio, where a American called Lambert gets kidnapped by one of the many gangs in the slums. He eventually escapes and the chase through the tight alleys of the Favela begins.
There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. (Long nights ^^)
The highpoly of our characters is already finished now we have too rig and animate them (at least 2 characters) and implement them into UDK.
There will be plenty of question for you guys to answer

Any critique is welcome

Stay tuned.
This is the first part of the chapel (stair entrance)
Again from the top view
More updates will follow shortly.
Alot of the textures seem to be very low resolution or very low pixel density and look very muddy.
The asset modeling is good, but i think you need to work on your textures a bit to help bring it to life especially specular
Will try to adjust a few things now.
I think that it is mostly a Lightning issue and like most of u Guys said a specular.