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Is anyone else slightly aroused by the new Mac Pro?

polycounter lvl 9
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ironbelly polycounter lvl 9

I mean I'm no fan of Apple due to their restrictive 'walled garden' philosophies but this thing makes me more than a little excited. I imagine it'll be priced at about 2x the cost of buying the actual parts separately, which is what would stop me from buying it, but damn I'd buy the thing just for the brilliance of the design. Not just aesthetically but this unified thermal core is brilliant (assuming it works as awesomely as they say).


  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    I don't really care for macs, but damn that is sleeek
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    wtf it looks like they're building a warp engine core!

    Wow, only 10 inches tall and 6 1/2 inches across... that thing is tiny.

    Ok... I am slightly aroused.
  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10
    The future of dehumidifiers design.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    So much power in 10 inches!

    Seriously though, now that I'm using Maya instead of 3ds Max I can at least consider dropping Windows.

  • EarthQuake
    The future of trash cans, with patented in Iashtray built in!
  • illo
    you mean I can get a computer that a cylindar instead of a square? REVOLUTIONARY!

    seriously though, outside of the case its the same thing as any other companies computer, with a higher markup.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    It's very sleek and stylish. But I'm not about to pay for one. Anyone who knows how to build their own computer will usually get the low-end macs, and primarily for development. My Mac Mini will tide me over for quite some time.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Bundled with some abomination of a mouse, I'm sure.

    Actually I think this is really slick. The design is small, clean, and the engineering that went into it is actually impressive, especially the thermal core, which makes a lot of sense (although I wonder if one overheating component could affect the others). I doubt I'll buy it because I dislike Apple's business model and their price tags, but I'll be tempted.
  • ironbelly
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    ironbelly polycounter lvl 9
    monster wrote: »
    So much power in 10 inches!

    Seriously though, now that I'm using Maya instead of 3ds Max I can at least consider dropping Windows.

    Ah, I've heard that Maya on a Mac is no where near as smooth as an experience as on a windows machines.. I've spoken to more than a few 3D modelers using maya that switched to PC just for the added stability
  • Torch
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    Thing i am most impressed by is it being all assembled in America.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Yup, it's looking sweet.

    on a side note, every studio I've worked at or visited have used Dell or HP machines, which have never really impressed me. Having an IT department build machines from components could be a bit expensive, what do other games studios out there use?
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    When i was at halfbrick the tech guy custom built all the computers. :).
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Shouldn't self-built machines be cheaper than premade boxes? Compared to what you can get from HP or Dell you can make a really really cheap PC from Newegg with very nice specs.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Where is the power supply?
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Looks like the sexiest paper weight I've ever seen. I'd use all 12-cores at home for browsing polycount, but for work I'll stick to my Mobile SLI sager :)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Not at all. This isn't a mac pro. It's a fancy mac mini. There's no room for extra drive bays, it looks like it's hard(er) to upgrade ram and such, too. They're building it more like a regular iMac than a workstation platform. Yes you can add things to the machine via Thunderbolt, but there's no way you're conna convince me that sticking in 3 foot of cable improves performance compared to having it all in one box.

    Does it look nice? Arguably. (I'm not a fan, but I can understand the aesthetic choices)

    Is it more practical than the current case? No.

    Silver lining: if this actually arouses you, there's a hole to put your penis in...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    hahaha snader! it is a very sleek design but yeah agree doesnt look customisable in terms of hardware like the old mac pros.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I wouldn't be surprised if ram and the ssd pci things where the only upgrades you could do yourself. Obviously a 3.5 in harddrive would not fit in that thing, they should release a hot swappable hdd bay with it.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Looks kind of neat, but still a totally impractical option for a computer.
  • Poloboo
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    Poloboo polycounter lvl 8
    anybody else think a captain jack sparrow cameo / easter egg in AC4 black flag would be awesome?
  • Poloboo
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    Poloboo polycounter lvl 8
    oops wrong thread guys.. my apologies!
  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    The future of trash cans, with patented in Iashtray built in!

    Oh, you're right, I didn't noticed the updated on their website

  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Eh, probably like any other apple product, something goes wrong and you have pay up the wazoo for replacement parts or buy a new one altogether after a year or two.

    At the end of the day it's just computer parts, they can play the elite card when they stop building this stuff in China.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Are you kidding me? This is the most ugly excuse of a computer I have ever seen. I mean further than that why would you even want to waste your money on over priced hardware? Have fun with your playschool computer.

    I know someone is going to get mad at this post but I cannot stand Apple.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Looks awful, similar to a toilet roll holder. There Lian Li like cases looked stellar, this is just awful.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    Actually, looking at it more, it looks like a subwoofer.
  • Gusti
    Personally I have not been as exited about a workstation class computer since the SGI O2 came out.

    As for expandability, 6x Thunderbolt 2 ports capable of controlling up to 6 devices in daisychain each... yeah thats not going to be a problem.
    I do not care if I cant put a few hard-drives into the case it self.
    That would just generate more heat inside the box.
    Just like I do now with my NAS setup, I like having my storage seperate and securely away from my workstation.

    As for the price.. Yes you pay premium but keep in mind that a custom built PC on a similar level is not going to be cheap.
    You cant just built a PC with gaming grade stuff in it and compare it side by side.
    You have to include things like ECC memory, XEON cpu´s and one or two FirePro´s or Quadro cards.

    That stuff is not cheap.

    Silent and super small while being very powerfull.. color me interested.
  • Drew++
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    Drew++ polycounter lvl 15
    Are you kidding me? This is the most ugly excuse of a computer I have ever seen. I mean further than that why would you even want to waste your money on over priced hardware? Have fun with your playschool computer.

    I know someone is going to get mad at this post but I cannot stand Apple.

    Why is it ugly? Because it's a cylinder and not a box? All that matters in the long run is the specs and operation itself...

    A year and a half ago I spent a lot of money on a Mac Pro, with 12-cores, 24GB of ram, and it's seriously the best computer I've ever purchased. It truly is hard to buy a computer this level of quality straight from the factory. All of Apples other quality products work perfectly with it and I'm super happy. And the build quality is generally unsurpassable by any custom PC out there... and absolutely surpasses any other factory PC. Especially their laptops.

    -Yes, I'm fully aware that I could build a 'faster' computer for cheaper, but the thing is... I have to build it. It would end up being a 'gaming' computer though. A lot of people are not capable of it, or they just don't want to do it. I built my first computer in the 90's, and many many more since then. And I'll probably never do it again... I'm just tired of dealing with it.

    -Another part of my like/appreciation it is OS X. I'm used to that, I enjoy programming(my job) on OS X way more than I do Windows. Even doing 3D Art. It was 2003 when I switched to OS X, and never went back. I also have the option to simply install Windows if I truly need it. I also love the support I get from Apple as a developer.

    But, it's all a matter of preference. It's hard to take the opinion from someone who has never actually really used OS X and a Mac Pro before :P
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Thanks Apple, I feel much better now buying a Dell Precision workstation :)
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    It is interesting to see a format outside of the normal rectangular case, and I could see there would be a time when we'll start moving away from a tower with things strapped into it.

    But yeah, Apple isn't doing something different because it's better, only because you know apple snobs everywhere will HAVE to have one, or else they won't be cool anymore. :( I don't see any boosts or advancements that will really take it a step further than anything else on the market. Its just another Mac in a different case, no need to get touchy people.

    The next computer "revolution" I'll get excited over will be for one of these:
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Avanthera wrote: »
    It is interesting to see a format outside of the normal rectangular case, and I could see there would be a time when we'll start moving away from a tower with things strapped into it.

    except that the box design has been evolved over decades and proven very useful for most users. Now we're back in the old home computer days where everything external is yet another box in its own weird design with its own connector cable and power supply.

    I was quite enthusiastic about thunderbolt originally, but so far it seems it leads a similar life as the original firewire (minus any camcorders that use it). Maybe Apple wants to push its adoption? ;)
  • Gusti
    Intel have been quite keen on trying to drum up the adoption rates as well.
    Sadly it has taken untill now for most PC motherboard manufacturers to wake up and start using this.
    Hell, most of them are still just jumping on to the USB3 bandwagon with most motherboards mostly having USB2´s with 2 back and 2 front placed USB3´s.

    Never got why they didn´t just go full USB3 since they are fully backwards compatible anyway :P

    And the box design really has not evolved very much at all.
    Most ATX tower cases are almost identical to my first PC tower that was a 486.
    Same kind of HD placement, same placement for the PSU, same button arrangement and even the same dinky plugs that go onto the motherboard for the power button, LED´s and such.

    I have yet to see a tower case that does anything really different.
    G4/G5 Mac towers tried to change things with the side lid that housed the motherboard for super easy access, and the old mac pros with their custom motherboards separated different elements on the boards to distribute heat through the case in a more even fashion and have things more modular.

    PC motherboards are largely the same as they were in actual form design as they were in 1990.
    Actually, the best PC case I have ever had was my pre-assembled Pentium 90 machine from Tulip computers.
    Easilly my favorite so far. The side panel opening included the top of the tower, and the hard drives were installed sideways at the very top so heat flowed out of the case correctly and did not go from one HD to the next one above it.
    It was also tool less, but locked with a key-system.

    god damnit.. now I wish I hadn´t sold that box since it would have been ATX compatible and I could be using it today instead of my ugly ass Zalman monolith of a case :P
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    > And the box design really has not evolved very much at all.

    exactly. It evolved. slowly and steadily adapting to whatever tech it had to house. The idea is still the same when you compare eg. a Mac IIfx case or a PC XT case to a current HP or Dell tower cases. They evolved to accommodate new storage options, new mainboards, new ports and new designs. The radical changes to this evolution were things like the Mac mini or the iMac's all in-one, or corporate rack space or blade PCs.

    If you compare it with all other workstation/consumer PC designs it's a pretty good design giving you expandability, standardization and a fair amount of customization. It doesn't really excel in any of these, but it's probably the best compromise the PC industry has on all those. While I really like Apple for trying new things (and they succeeded with a lot of them), I'm not really sure about this. Mac cube anyone?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'd love a case like this just because of how small and quiet it is, one fan is an awesome idea. But you cannot upgrade anything. I'd rather buy an itx case and by more expensive quiet fans.
  • DireWolf
    Looks like a glorified ash tray.

    Can't blame then. The innovator's gone.

    I'm sure we'll see 7 shades of iPhone next.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Insanity: Expecting a different outcome to the same situation.


    Edit: Gusti, there are case makers making non square units. Case in point.

  • ZacD
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    apple's definition of Pro is just getting narrower, as in powerful and cool looking. Although I'm not sure how cool looks are gonna help you when you work on a project. I'm really disappointed they threw overboard concepts like expandability (unless you like lots of external boxes), service friendliness and standardization. Which is pretty much everything IT managers will look for in real Pro machines, where raw power is often secondary to all those features. Not to mention looks.
  • ikken
    apple haven't been caring for standardization quite for some time.
    service friendliness is going to be an issue in areas with no legit apple service centres around, not that much in most of Europe and the US I guess?
    and I don't think they honestly really care much for those parts of market anyway.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    No they don't. The real pros who have to deck out entire studios will still stick to HP/Dell/Lenovo for their workstation needs. It's pretty obvious Apple has totally given up on that market (shame).

    But maybe Pixar and Disney with their server/storage farms have need for a box like this. I can see some advantages if you have a fiber network in your office, work off the network and have your own standardized apps that don't bitch about stuff like requiring a nVidia card. And your company is rich enough to replace the entire box if something fails rather than sending a repair tech down who fiddles with swapping hardware.

    I could also see it in some scientific areas, like the old NeXT cubes. Maybe engineering too, if there's any CAD apps on OS X?
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    I don't understand why people care about the looks of a workstation? Seriously, what does it matter? It cuts back on every other feature!
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    CordellC wrote: »
    Looks kind of neat, but still a totally impractical option for a computer.

    How come? It's a beast of a machine that guys working with video would love. It's designed to handle 4k footage which makes sure that all bandwidth between the components have to be top notch. I wouldn't mind working with it for 3d either.
  • Saf
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    Saf polycounter lvl 11
    Please try not to use MACs, they over heat so fast. Just keep it easy and cheap on windows.
    I'm never going back to any apple product, not when you can buy superior products cheaper.
    The biggest problem of macbooks this crazy heat.
    I can not imagine what kind of sound will emit this turbine.Why do not slightly larger but with all water-cooled system. Design here, for the sake of design.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Is anyone else slightly aroused by the new Mac Pro?

  • WarrenM
    Xoliul wrote: »
    I don't understand why people care about the looks of a workstation?
    Seriously, I barely remember what my computer looks like. It sits behind my desk. I never see it.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    For me, it's looks like a suppository.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    What is this?

    Why would people fall for this crap at all?
    They must market to the stupid!

    Guys, you listening guys? Guys, this is serial.
    The new Mac- you listening?
    The new mac is a cylinder.
    *fan boys orgasm*

    You can do the exact same thing on any desktop/mac but they market this shit as revolutionary. Christ when will people learn?
  • WarrenM
    This has to get said in every single Apple thread for some reason so here we go again.

    Apple isn't about the components. Apple products are fashion and status symbols. They are functional, and the OS works really well, but they aren't about keeping the cost down. They market to people with money, not people who comparison shop every component.

    An Apple fan would look at your home-built PC square box and have no idea why someone would want something so ugly in their house. It's a different crowd. Deal with it. :)
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