Hi guys, I have not found any post about HUD here in the forum and did not find any place where the staff are posting HUDs (if anyone knows please advice me where) to get feedback, so I decided to create this post here, and I wait your feedback.
HUD - (WIP) and by PatoRadioativo lucianoacosta
(we thought interesting to do a little lore for the theme of HUD, haha)
Temple of the sacred memories (title)
A place of memories, grandiose scene of battles and rituals practiced by the Order of Oyo. They say at night you can hear the shouts of the fight and feel the essence of that memorable battle between the young and the elder master.

We finished this dude, hope u like it.
we make that one to learn how this work, and now we're doing other HUD ,I'll post soon...rly ty u all =]