Hello! I´m Guenrij Silva... 35 years old self tought noob.
I never whent to a game art school or something like that... just when form a regular graphic designer to a 3D modeler (like 3 years ago) and the rest off the path self tough and taking online courses. Mostly I focused in Zbrush and organic modeling... but I discovered ( what a fool of me) that zbrush is just the 35% of being a good modelder, now Im try to shape up my hardsuface modeling ans polygon modeling. wel the rest is just bla bla bla.
Here is what I achieved so far
Plz any constructive critique will be wellcome, and destructives too as long it have sence

tnx for your time and patience
I'd leave it up to you to decide which are your best works and which you want to present the most
rework the presentation on this http://media.cmcdn.net/16644129/780x1094.jpeg
and add wireframes and texture sheets from game art characters.
No problem.
You should have larger images of full-body shots of characters instead of the small ones you have now.
The anatomy sculpts are not a bad idea, but you really need to look at references more; the skulls have all sorts of weird planes that simply don't exist on real skulls. In addition, the sculpt with the muscles and flesh thickness pegs has weird proportions.