Hey all!
This is a WIP character that I've been working on in my free time. He's a scrapper and a wanderer, picking up parts of things to equip himself with throughout his travels. Once I get this base idea done, I'd like to add more trinkets and things along his belt. This is being done in Maya, ZBrush, and Marvelous at the moment. Thanks for checking it out --C&C more than welcome!
Final Update ( 9/8 ) Thank you all for the C&C along the way!
Turntable Video:
Update (8/25) Texture & Material Setup

Update (8/10) w/ Low Res Cloth

also boot toes tips flip up a bit
Good luck!
Also, here's a visual breakdown of an experiment using ZBrush's Dynamesh and ZRemesher together for retopology:
Nice work mate. you nailed the boots pretty nicely, and ZRemesher is sweet. keep it up.
With this pose, I've created a lower resolution collision body that I'll be using in Marvelous to create a more dynamic pose for the cloth. I still have my 2d cloth patterns from the last go round, so the new cloth work is more about posing with added wind fields, etc.
Here's a look at setting up the collision body using Dynamesh and ZRemesher:
With this, I've been able to go back into Marvelous to generate much more dynamic poses for my cloth meshes. The hood, scarf, sash, and cloak will all be simulated, poly-reduced, and included in the final turntable for this character. Here's a preview of the cloth work so far:
Thanks for taking a look!
I started to lay down some color on this character and took a first pass at applying some materials, using Marmoset to preview everything. Here's where I'm at so far:
Thanks for taking a look!
The face feel flat in term of colours.
Look at those face close-up, the face actually have a lot of different colour's temperature.
The eyes of the face is the most important of the whole face because it tend to attract people attention first.
So you might wanna work more eyes too, like adding AO or some fine details like the corner of the eyes.
The pants need more work around the crotch area in term of folds.
And lastly, keep the works going !
Turntable Video: http://vimeo.com/74034014
On to the next one!