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3ds Max Modeling Dinosaur Teeth and Eyes

Hello :), I was wondering if anyone could help me with two questions specifically about modeling dinosaur eyes and teeth that could transfer over to other models.

#1. When creating the teeth should they be built out from the jawline or should they be built separately and attached via the ATTACH button as an element. I have seen others do the latter method but I am unsure if the teeth would move with the jawline when animating.

#2. I have also seen many people model eyes as just spheres behind eyelids and attach them as an element. I assume this is to freely move the eyes around while animating but would your recommended doing the same thing for a dinosaur?


  • garriola83
    Offline / Send Message
    garriola83 greentooth
    Your questions are actually just specific for dinosaurs since a lot of people actually do those methods you mentioned for characters.
    1a. Model with a purpose. What is the benefit of either or?
    If you model with separate teeth, they will look mode believable and also its will be easy to clone and use as modular objects. This is also saves time since you can clone the teeth then re-scale and so on, and ultimately will look great.
    If you model extrusions from the jaw bone mesh, this can look great as well but not as modular. But this is quicker, but still gets the job done.

    1b. When you attach an object, it is now a singular object and therefore will move according to what you have attached it to, given that you animate in an object level and not in a sub-object level (dont animated in element mode).

    2. Yes, I would say 90% of eyes in modeling are NOT attached to the head mesh but rather LINKED to eye bones linked to a head bone. This way they can ROTATE freely, while the head moves around as you mentioned.
  • KADalicious
    Thank you so much! This helped a lot!
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