Hey everyone,
Some guys that I help with their game every now and then asked me for an inventory screen, and I've decided to make a Starter Kit off it instead, as I know this kind of Inventory feature is a recurrent question and would be a nice addition for the community.
And it's now finished and ready for download!
Here's how it looks:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLzjngJgiIQ"]RPGInvStarterKit - YouTube[/ame]
- A custom archetypable Inventory class where you can set its mesh, item/armor type, stats, etc
- A custom archetypable Weapon class where you can set its mesh, weapon type, stats, etc
- A custom ItemPickup class, used for both placing items/weapons in the world and dropping them off dying enemies. This class is quite simple and points to the Inventory/Weapon archetype
- An InventoryManager class that handles the inventory spaces (that limits the amount of items you can pick up) as well as the equipped items
- A scaleform inventory screen (the flair of it all!), with draggable Char and Backpack windows
- Char window has a Weapon slot as well as 6 armor slots
- Equipping/unequipping at the Char weapon slot actually changes the character’s weapon
- Armor and Weapons work per-slot (like the Scaleform Inventory demo), so a weapon can only go in the Weapon slot, or in the backpack spaces. Same for every Armor slot type
- Unique Item icons, defined per-item in the editor
- Objects are droppable back to the world
- Custom ‘Gold’ item that when picked up adds up to the character’s Gold amount
- Armor attachment system
- Looting other Characters
- Looting other Characters’ gold
- Looting containers
- Regular weapon switching is disabled
- Placeable Pawns (NPCs) can be assigned their inventory items individually in the editor
It extends the UT* classes because I wanted an easy template to have a character and a camera. however making it extend the base classes should'nt be too hard
there's just one drawback: this is not the inventory system I use in my game, so once I finish it there will not be any future updates/additions, except for any important bug fixing.
get it here:
URL="http://www.sanzpont.com/chosker/elium/?p=449"]RPG Inventory Starter Kit at my blog[/URL
btw I just updated it to v1.1 with at least one crucial fix