So needed to do somekind of prop, and choosed a ticket dispenser. spent some time to get the materials right, not super happy. but its good practise nevertheless.


wasnt aiming for 100% accuracy in details, did it more to practise belivable materials.
critic would be super nice, especially concerning texturing.
biggest question though, is it portfolio worhty? i thought maybe that it is too boring so maybe i will make it rusty and more fallen apart.
and yes, for some reason i switched from swedish text to bulgarian. used google translate, dont speak bulgarian, so if it says something wildly inappropriate i would be grateful for a heads up

The materials seem quite different. The metal case and the plastic sign should both be reflective (as should the missing mirror, of course). The central section should be much lighter, a gray with a light blue/cyan tint. The red plastic sections should have a much higher saturation (close to 100%). The metal shell itself is basically grey, with reflections providing the only color. The LCD display should probably be dark even when it is off, rather than light as it is now.
The textures are 1024^2. i thought it would be generous for a prop. i think its blurry partly cuz i painted it that way. maybe i should make it sharper... anywyas thanks!
MGM: are you sure? i copied that and put it in google translate, and it doesn't spell right in bulgarian. it does in russian though.
mospheric, DWalker;
Thank you so mch for the critic! Very helpful! I tried to take it all into account and heres an updated pic, new cubemap and such;
also i changed the LCD to dark, but i dont like that supersaturated red. the mirror, coin slot, and lock was purposely left out, i didnt care so much for the detials, was aiming more for the materials. if its i big issue i will probably put that stuff in there though
but overall, does it look better?
I'm starting to see some issues with UV scale and textile density now (or, maybe your texture is just blurry), but you might be too far along to fix that.
The mirrored screen looks a bit better, it is WAY too clean for this dirty old machine though. It needs to be all scratched up with keys, sticker residue, and grime.
I need to see some more things like sticker residue, peeled off stickers, permanent marker graffiti - Although you might avoid the graffiti if this is going to be placed all over the place. You're also missing the lock on the door on the base.
The printer is missing stickers, labels, and many other tiny details are missing. Also, get the mirror on there as soon as possible. You can do it with floating geometry, and probably just throw it on the same UV chunk as the screen in your materials.
Keep going though, it's definitely looking better!
I tried to do add everything you mentioned, and i think it looks much better. somehow i thought it wasnt worth the time to add the text above the buttons before, but now i see it makes a big difference. the text is super blurry cuz of the texture resulotion but i think it works of you dont get too close.
its hard to see in the image but i added a lot of grime to the screen. i also tried some alpha grafitti text. im not sure about that though. will definitely add torn of stickers tommorrow, but need some sleep now.
If I could help I would offer to consider some weathering around the top region of this machine. Due to it being used outdoors and probably isn't covered. XD
Keep up the good work! Practice makes perfect! I too am working on my texturing ability. Will be posting up soon!