So usually I start my lowpoly models with a 4 sided cylinder in Maya (2012).
However recently, after creating a cylinder primitive, when I go into the attribute editor and click on Polycylinder01, no options come up.
Usually it branches into several options, one of them being subdivisions axis.
It's just gone. Can anyone help?
And I don't see the option under the attribute editor
though that isn't fun to have to do every time, if no one else suggest anything i would say go to your documents folder and delete your maya prefs folder, on program launch it will recreate all with defaults, probably should pull out your scripts folder though, then put it back after relaunching
If that node is not present, then either you've deleted the history (there are a few ways apart from the command 'delete history' to delete history, for example duplicating a mesh may not carry it's history over) or construction history has been turned off.
Maya has a master 'Construction History' toggle, you'll find it on the status bar near to the render icons. If there's a red 'x' on the icon it's turned off so no history nodes will be created, hence why you may not be seeing these options. Toggle it back on, create a cylinder and the history should be there.
I accidentally clicked this one time and spent a full day pissed off at Maya. With this button toggled ON, the input nodes should appear as normal.