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Legend Of Zelda - Link Redo

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theStoff greentooth
I decided to make a model of Link. Here is what I have so far:




initial sketches:



  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    I love his face, hair and ears so far! <3

    Keep up the great work,
    I'm curious how the cloth will turn out, atm I think they could use work, especially the bracers...
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Looking good thus far, although the arms are way too long. Normally, the hands would sit just below the crotch.
  • EmJaeR
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    EmJaeR polycounter lvl 10
    Good start, I always enjoy seeing different takes one Link. I have to agree with Marshal the arms do look a bit long. Also the face seems to have a sad expression on him in the eye area, it's nothing big just something I noticed. Also for the hair ware you going to do alphas or polygon chunks?
  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    Everytime I post mine, someone else posts theirs :P

    It's kinda cool seeing someone else's take on Link as I develop mine...you have a great start and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with it

    You are definitely deviating from the original Link design in some aspects, such as the longer tunic/skirt and what appears to currently be a different glove design....he definitely feels like he has an influence from Elves in his design, and that's kinda cool and new to see

    It seems a bit weird to start the separation of his tunic above his belt, and that coupled with his tunic puffing out, makes him appear somewhat large in the belly/pelvic area...maybe it's just the angle, but I feel like his pelvis is even wider than his shoulders which feels a bit odd

    I think you have definitely nailed his face, but I do agree he looks a bit sad

    keep it up, looking forward to see what you do with it :D
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thanks for the input. Fenyce, I agree the cloth needs work, I'm going to keep refining that. Marshal and EmJaeR, the arms were definitely too long. I shortened them and the result was much better. [SF]Three9, sorry for posting my link model right after yours. I didn't intend to copy or anything, just felt like making a link model. I do like where your model is heading though and I'll be sure to keep an eye on it. I'm also fixing the waist. I agree it looked odd.

    I also thought it might be good to post my initial sketches:
  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    Oh please! I really hope you dont think I was offended!!! Honestly I'm excited about it and anything but offended...I think we can actually use it to our advantage to learn from each other and be inspired :)

    On to critique!
    Your initial sketches are AWESOME! The face and hair you have created REALLY feels like a more mature Link, and def have an elvish influence that I think really works for what you are doing...I feel like your proportions and shape between your sketches and model arent matching up...while of course you arent done, your sketches retain a persona and character to them that im not seeing in your model...ill do my best to pinpoint what it could be

    -Your bottom left sketch; the upper torso and head is your best proportions and style...it looks fantastic and i would focus on matching that...i realize u are trying to keep him thin and agile, but the "thickness" established in that drawing is ideal and perfect IMO...shorten his neck a bit, and sharpen his facial features
    -The bottom of your tunic should also be higher, and pants be a bit more lose and baggy, especially around the top of the boot
    -I think if u brought the waist in a bit, poofed out the tunic slightly beneath the belt, and then brought it outward more as it got to the bottom, it would retain more personality as seen in your concept

    I LOVE your sword arm guard on his forarm in the middle...its really badass...id encourage you to bend it outward at his wrist rather than in towards his wrist, as this will increase his range of motion

    I think thats about all i can offer now...tomorrow if i have time ill try and do a paintover for you
  • silkroadgame
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Alright, so here's a bit of an update on my model. I haven't changed too much as of yet but I worked at implementing suggestions. I shortened the arms and brought the waist in. [SF]Three9 I attempted to get in that "thickness" you mentioned. I haven't shortened the neck yet but I brought in a block-in for the shoulder guard which I hoped would give that effect. (I will try shortening the neck too). Of course, I didn't want to lose the agile look I had intended. I'll also work on adding some thickness to the base of the pants. I feel there are also some problems with the arm guard. I don't think it gives off the same feel as my sketches and I'm trying to figure out what is lacking. I'm thinking it may either be the surface details or perhaps the lack of thickness. I also added in some other gear to get a better feel of where the model is headed. I still need to work on a sword and shield but I wanted to get the main model down first. I also worked on adding some more definition to the clothing in terms of wrinkles.

    On a side note, since I was asked and forgot to mention, I intend to do polygon chunks for the hair and not so much alphas. I felt this was better fitting for link.

  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
    This is awesome!
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    I have a small update on some detail work. I refined the clothing and added stitching and other gear. I also worked a bit on subtle proportions such as broadening the shoulders and re-sizing gear. Since [SF]Three9 suggested it I decided to try shortening the neck. Below is a comparison of the two if anyone can give me input on if this improves the character. I feel it does but I'm unsure.


    Also here is the full body of the longer neck version and the shorter neck version just under it. Besides that I feel the clothing could use more work as well as the arm guard. I just have to look into the best direction to take that and then I'll move on to the sword and shield models before finally doing low-poly work and texturing.



    Thank you again to everyone for input and encouragement.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    more work on folds

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    ah, what the hell, I was tired of looking at grey-scale so I put together a quick color test. :)

  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 14
    looking nice! Looking forward to seeing this develop :D One can never have too many link redesigns here on polycount imo :D It's a classic!

    I have a suggestion! Perhaps adding a medieval style belt could work well with the more realistic style you're doing. But I guess I don't know what direction you want to take this in. Do you have a particular vision for what you want to do with the character?
  • robinchyo
    nice job on the design! :) looking forward to seeing how this ends up!
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Glad you like it guys! And yeah artquest I was thinking about the medieval belts. When I first thought of making this model I wasn't exactly sure what I was going for other than to make a more serious looking link and making him look cool. Regardless. I decided to keep it simple with the current design so that it could bake nicely into normal maps. I did take from the medieval style a bit by adding a pattern along the belt.

    Anyway here is what I came up with after all the input. I feel that the high-poly is just about done so I can move on to the low-poly and the real textures. Normally I do my textures in zbrush but I'm going to try working entirely in Photoshop.


    I also made the high-poly for the shield:

    Thanks again to everyone for the support.
  •  Chris Bruin
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    Chris Bruin polycounter lvl 10
    The edge of the shield on the 3 corners are extremely sharp, see here for a more functional approach: http://wiki.polycount.com/NormalMap/#Edge_Thickness

    I would also add the loose ends of straps to the leather belts on Link (chest, forearm, belt), and his shield, it would give silhouette interest.

    For cloth folds, push it a lot more. Check out these boots, try pushing your fabric and cloth-like materials, everything feels a bit too flat right now.

    Lastly, not knowing what the back of the shield is, but it would probably be a wood interior to dampen any concussive blows, so you could add a nice wood sculpt on the back in those 4 inset panels.

    Looking good otherwise.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    I agree that the surface seemed a bit empty so I attempted to work in some folds. Hopefully this is an improvement. :)

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    The low poly is completed and the colors are blocked in. I am just working on textures and props now.

  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    looking great, but the facial expression looks like he's a bit worried. might want to change that to a neutral type of expression. just a suggestion. good luck!
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Another update on link, still has a ways to go but I think it's coming along. (I also adjusted the expression to be more neutral :))

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Did a little more texture work. It still needs a specular map but I'm pretty happy with the diffuse.


    I also made the highpoly of the master sword and softened the edges on the shield for better normals.



    I also thought I'd make a navy to kinda float around and here's a wip:

  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    This is coming along great! I feel bad I havent been able to be a part of your creation process more and add critique since our projects are so similar

    Id encourage you to hold off on Navi to finish up Link, but that's just my own preference

    He's looking great and I love that gauntlet! I wish it retained the shape a bit more of your concept, but that's my fault for not finding time to mention it; regardless it looks awesome

    I realize you are going for a more elvish look, but he feels a bit weak from looks; maybe its the face or hair.
    The master sword also feels a bit blocky (even in regards to an elvish design; it would have a lot more curvature) and doesnt read as a sharp blade, but rather blunt. At the same time I feel the shield is too curvy. The shields shape is pretty awesome though, so maybe ignore me on that one

    Really digging your Link; do you plan on rigging and posing him? Would love to see it
  • tamrakar
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    thanks guys! [SF]Three9, don't worry about it, you've commented plenty and I appreciate it. I am unsure what you mean by the face and hair though, do you mean weak as in the colors don't stand out enough or the form isn't refined enough? As for the master sword do you think that it's just the blade that needs more work or the hilt too? For the shield what do you mean by curvy? The gauntlet definitely did loose its luster from the original sketch but I was finding it a bit too clunky when I brought it to 3D. I agree about holding off on Navy I just did it to take a step back for an hour or so. Thanks again to everyone for all the input. :)
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    An update on the shield. I just started roughing in the color. I'll likely sculpt dings and scratches in still but I started the color to help me place them.

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    adding some wear to the shield: Wu2EjSc.jpg
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    here is the low-poly of the shield. I'm moving to the sword now.

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    low poly of the sword:

  • [SF]Three9
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    [SF]Three9 polycounter lvl 15
    Loving it!!

    I would say your blue could use a bit more saturation in the highlighted areas...I also feel like your scratches read as more animal claw marks and such, rather than due to blade hits...I'm no expert on what battle damage looks like, but the noise/bumps you have created in and around those damage marks make me read the shield as made of cement or something

    Make the marks not as deep, maybe longer in some and shorter in others, as well as thinner and perhaps a bit more "clean cut"....this I think (emphasis on I think) will make the Hylian Shield read as a stronger, sturdier created item, that has protected link from actual sword combat...Even if the enemies used Cruder, poorly made blades, I think damage from swords are going to cause different marks

    i also see that you have some areas that probably chipped off around some marks...maybe making those areas very shallow, and I think more smooth and scalloped in design will create a better sense of chipping from a powerfully strong metal

    OH, and those battle marks that have depth, like from the frame of the shield to the painted area; no matter how thick or thin the sword was that made it, it will still get thicker from the sharp edge toward the flat side of the blade...this being said, if it's able to be deep enough to blenish the frame and painted metal at an angle, the highest point of that should be the thickest...yours are a bit uniform in thickness it seems....speaking of that as well though, those angles also seem quite awkward to actually create from sword battle...it's almost like those should be Jab attack marks...I suppose if the blade was swung upward it would create that if only barely hit...but definitely weird seeing two other marks right by it...That also adds to the claw mark feel rather than blade combat

    I also still cant decide myself if the hilt of the master sword should be the same blue as the sheath and shield, if they should all be different shades of blue, or if the hilt should be purple ;P
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Thank you for the tips. I very much agree with the scratches. It did not look like sword damage. I had originally decided to keep it since in the games you do fight things like wolves and such which could warrant the damage. Now that you mention it though I decided to try to clean it up. I removed most of the damage leaving just a few clean cuts. The current image isn't rendered properly as I had to go back and adjust the high-poly mesh so it doesn't have any spec. I'm still thinking this isn't looking that great in the way of damage but finding good reference is proving to be difficult. As for the sword I tried making it the same blue as the shield although I'm finding that it doesn't quite look the same when I apply it to the model for some reason.


  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    I did a quick pose test of link. It still need more work both in the pose and materials but this is where I got for now.

  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    I like what you did with the metal shaders; they look quite nice. I think, though, that the edges of the shield are a bit blobby, and could do with some sharpening.
  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Touched up the shield with scratches and sharpened the edges a bit. I also went and pushed the pose some more and did other touch-ups.

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    here's a small update

  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    This might just be it. There may be the odd tweak in the future but this is pretty much the final. Thanks again to everyone who gave all the feedback. It was very helpful.


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