I was wondering if this is possible? It's one of the main reasons I use Direct3D instead a lot of the time, but the viewport runs much smoother with Nitrous on my Geforce660, unlike my old card, so I'd like to avoid jumping between them.
I'm running Max2012 but it's fine if its only on 2013/2014 as I'll eventually be upgrading anyway.
Update: Apparently, one cannot access the Nitrous texture quality settings without the use of scripting.
I've found a really cool script on ScriptSpot, with which I resolved the issue in a matter of seconds. It lets you adjust the Texture Size Limit within the viewport.
HERE is the script.
There are a couple of ways to see the full resolution of your textures.
Change the viewport shading to Realistic. In the viewport dropdown choose Materials > Realistic Materials with Maps.
Or you can try this script.
Here's a script that is compatbile with Max2012/2013/2014 and provides some more options..
Nitrous Texture Tweaker
filtering in Nitrous cannot be controlled, as monster already stated
If you are brave, you can use tools like "Nvidia Inspector" to enforce some filtering options. I did not really test this with the aniso/mipmap filter options but AA options etc.. can be forced for nitrous with this tool
Any changes with Nitrous in Max 2016?
Anyone know if this age old issue is finally resolved, or is at least on the roadmap?
This issue can now be resolved by creating a ShaderFX material with the TextureMaps "Sampler / Filter" property set to "MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT". This setting used to be broken in ShaderFX but apparently it got stealthily fixed in one of Max 2018s updates.
Alternatively, here's the FX file I made for retro stuff (supports unlit + unfiltered textures, as well as vertex colors, tiling, and vertex alpha opacity): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0har718krnizic5/3dsmax_retroShader.fx?dl=0