man i'm so amped for tomorrow. i'll be in london around 2pm, gonna hit up forbidden planet before consuming lots of white meat and cider.
I was at Forbidden Planet a couple weeks ago, love it there
Looks like me and my girlfriend will be in London tomorrow. So we'll be coming along! If that's cool of course.
Looking forward to meeting some of the amazing artists that fill so much of my inspiration folder.
Will be arriving at St Pancrias at about 2:30 will be at meet for about 3:00 whoot
Sorry folks but I won't be out to play had a short notice freelance gig dropped on me yesterday and they have agreed to the daft rate that I quoted for a quick turnaround...drink many beers for me while I sit at a desk working:(
Was the lens flair a dig at the Total Recal convo ????
Blame len wiseman lol
Was great to see everyone thair wasent
Able to get every ones contact so
Like I said I would post my details here
So it's Jon. The loud one with the long hair
13 years in games 2 in film currently at Dneg for
2 years character artist on THOR 2
Email :
Again awesome to meet every one
Totally rocked
That was a fun afternoon/evening. Thanks everyone, was an enjoyable meet up. Will certainly make sure I come to the next ones. See you in the hangouts!
some of you may not know, but this week has been really difficult for me due to a friend passing away, he was my age and it sucks hard.
BUT, you guys are amazing. you all helped dig me out of my hole, and i just wanted to thank you for that. all of my friends here at polycount, are the best friends i could ever ask for and more. so thanks guys!
Got ill and couldn't make it, bawls! Looks like you guys had a great time though. Gir that sucks to hear about your friend, horrible to happen to someone so young. I had a similar situation happen back in Uni, a TA I was mates with around the same age ended up passing away that xmas due to pneumonia. Makes you put things into perspective about living each day as best we can.
Anyway, didn't want to get too deep but seems a bit late for that now we'll catch up at the next one!
Aaaand back in Edinburgh... Was great meeting everyone, putting faces to names and names to faces. In case anyone's interested I'm Matthew, the one in the grey shirt ruining most of the photos I'm in :P If you wanna get in touch feel free, most of my details are in my sig.
Definitely going to make the next one, was well worth the trip which was book ended by an impromptu pat down and body scan at Heathrow... still worth it!
sorry Lee...I had to otherwise I don't just go to London for the weekend...I get to live there in a cardboard box !!
glad y'all had a great time though and not at all jealous.
Also Lee, sorry to hear about your loss hard when you loose a friend at an early age, I now feel like a double dick for not being able to make it, but we shall do barbecue times soon to make up for it
Oh man, you went from Edinburgh?! Now I feel guilty for my excuse of, "It's too far!".
I wouldn't have been able to go if it hadn't been for virgins new flights, it's super easy to get to London now, there'll have to be a northern polycount meetup at some point!
...but you'll have to wrestle Mira for them, because she made them for her!
I was at Forbidden Planet a couple weeks ago, love it there
Looks like me and my girlfriend will be in London tomorrow. So we'll be coming along! If that's cool of course.
*appears* DID SOMEONE MENTION CAKE!?. let the battle commence..
Will be arriving at St Pancrias at about 2:30 will be at meet for about 3:00 whoot
fucking dead to me man.
Blame len wiseman lol
Was great to see everyone thair wasent
Able to get every ones contact so
Like I said I would post my details here
So it's Jon. The loud one with the long hair
13 years in games 2 in film currently at Dneg for
2 years character artist on THOR 2
Email :
Again awesome to meet every one
Totally rocked
OK, Earls Court next! Bring it!
some of you may not know, but this week has been really difficult for me due to a friend passing away, he was my age and it sucks hard.
BUT, you guys are amazing. you all helped dig me out of my hole, and i just wanted to thank you for that. all of my friends here at polycount, are the best friends i could ever ask for and more. so thanks guys!
pictures here!
Anyway, didn't want to get too deep but seems a bit late for that now
Definitely going to make the next one, was well worth the trip which was book ended by an impromptu pat down and body scan at Heathrow... still worth it!
sorry Lee...I had to otherwise I don't just go to London for the weekend...I get to live there in a cardboard box !!
glad y'all had a great time though and not at all jealous.
Also Lee, sorry to hear about your loss hard when you loose a friend at an early age, I now feel like a double dick for not being able to make it, but we shall do barbecue times soon to make up for it
I wouldn't have been able to go if it hadn't been for virgins new flights, it's super easy to get to London now, there'll have to be a northern polycount meetup at some point!