Hey guys so i was part of a team in the Escape Competition but unfortunately due to Studio work we were unable to Finnish it but i decided i would go ahead and Finnish the characters that i was doing for it.
Final Zbrush concept for the Alien:

Highres: (i might want to change some stuff on the helmet back to the original concept)

Gameres: (still improving here and there)

So crits as comments are more than welcom and plz be honest or brutal as i rather improve my skills rather than my ego xD i hope you guys like it.
also working on the human Rebel:

Keep it up, looking forward to seeing that guy finished.
DeadPixel: thanks for the feedback but hand like feet would resemble more a simian than a reptilian which is more or less where the design is going, its a valid opinion though but its also late into the process to simply go back and remake it.
Have you used panel loops? Show us some wires
i really like the design of this creature...
I think you can work with some transition with the gloves/skin, since the armor has this abrupt ending.
I'm digging it
Cox: Thanks man, its a really good point i need to figure out what to do with it
By the way I really like the speed sculpts on your site.
Pablohurtado: thanks man! I am still changing all maps but the greatest change is definitely the spec map where i started adding scratches and detail layers that really bring the details out. the lighting also made a lot of diference. its all marmoset. thanks man those sculpts are very outdated though mostly because i was busy with work and didnt update my folio but i will be updateing soon. thanks
VeejayZee: Thanks man, its not raytraced, i am using marmoset i just have a seperate material for that glass where i pushed the specular sharpness and fresnel. Yeah i am still changing as i go but i will take your feedback into account! thanks mate
RazorB: Thank you
Torch: thanks man, yeah totally agreed i had doubled the normal map on previous lighting settings because the light was very flat but once i changed the lighting the normal really popped out so i need to delete the double layer on the normals. thanks man i will update soon
For that human hipoly, it all looks pretty good, but I think his armor vest is too long. It should really only cover from a bit above the collar bones to maybe a few inches below the sternum. Also, it should be thicker and puffed out a bit as well (because of the plates).
btw i forgot to post the back which i still have to work on: