Going to try my first environment. I tried to make one before but stopped right on the very beginning.
So, after thinking what to do in the art role (I have some hobbyist experience on character art ), I decided to try some environment stuff. I don't expect tons of comments here, but some guidance along the way would be very helpful.
For now, my experience are the tutorials from leveldesign.com, and I ended up with this:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4112379/3d/tuto_enviro.jpg crappy

I have this concept here for some time, it is a pretty cool and small concept. It is a good one to start I guess.
-Do I have to do something with grids for this? Or grids are only for modular pieces? I don't know.
-I didn't asked for permission to use this concept. That's ok?
Good luck with the project.
But, I am fairly certain that no one can stop you from using concepts as a reference for a personal project. As long as you never claim the concept as your own, you're in the clear.
poopsterspappy, WOW! lots of useful reading in there. Thank you!
Grubber, thank you. :thumbup: