Hi guys!
I'm working on a simple tool in maxscript for my own practice. The script works fine when I'm testing it out, however, when I shutdown max and start the tool for the first time, I get the following error:
--Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined
But when I close the rollout and re-run the exact same script a second time, it works fine. It seems like the error is telling me that I haven't defined a function correctly. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Any ideas or feedback are appreciated.
If you script is a single file, move all you function definitions to the top of the script. If you script is multiple files check this page for the evaluation order.
Finally, we can help better if you post a code sample.
brb =]
macroScript testScript
category:"some category"
try(closerolloutfloater rof) catch("Dialog close error!")
rollout test "Production Tools" (
group "Production Tools" (
button btn_K "tempTXTR" width:50 height:30 align: #left
on btn_K pressed do (
tempTXTR ()
rof = newrolloutfloater "Sim Tools v1.0" 300 90
addrollout test rof
--end main******************************************************************************************************************
fn tempTXTR = (
obj = selection
obj.wirecolor = color 0 0 255
obj.material = meditMaterials[1]
obj.name = "test"
this way when you call your function you can add the "object" behind it, eg;
Now you can make multiple calls towards the same function without having to duplicate functions!