Hi guys,
I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread to gather questions, answers and opinions we have about next gen.
I would start with three, feel free to answer if you can
Displacement : according to a TA here, we might not be able to use it because it might be too taxing. True, false, optimisations incomming, alternative solutions (like CryEngine 3 displacement shader...) ?
Hair : still made of planes or can we hope to see hair simulation comming in the picture. If the latest, how is the set up ? Can we expect tools in the next generation engines ?
Clothing : will cloth simulation be more wide-spread ? It was reserved to a few sport games (NBA 2k, etc.), so will it translate to other types of games ? What knid of setup do you need, etc.
Here's something I've wondered a bit about:
Where can I find real world reflectance and IOR values and how do I convert them into RGB values?
Oh and about the displacement mapping stuff, I think on console we wont see much of it but within a few years I imagine it will be all over the place in PC games.
I could not have said that any better myself, physically based rendering is in the house.
My chemistry book from highschool had all kinds of tables of elements/materails. One of
Some bookmarks I've collected that might help:
Any feedback for the hair/cloth thingy ?
i have really no idea, what it was about and how it works, it was advertised as something new, however. you might want to look into that.
That sounds way more dramatic than it should. If you can make good looking shit now, you'll be fine . There's plenty of ways to start experimenting/testing with this stuff right now, so see for yourself!:D
Seconded. PBR isn't *that* different to what most people are used to, in terms of art content.
more than likely most games will still use hair planes but probably there will be better sorting/rendering methods.
cloth simulation will probably be seen only where its necessary (coats, dresses, etc). doubtful that there will be realtime wrinkling/simulation of everything.
pbr. like marks said. not that different. takes some fine tuning but ultimately you're using the same techniques you always have and just applying them differently.
You're still paying the cost somewhere, likely just in a different place. Definitely cheaper to store that geometry in memory, but I imagine it'll be more expensive to draw.