Alright, first up, I know there are like 10 million guides on how to compile models out there. But for some reason, none of them click with me: Either they skip out on some crucial detail and leave me floundering, or they just skip over something that requires some specific instructions (Like, "Now, write your cq file!" -
What do I write in a qc file!?) or they have instructions that I can follow to the letter, only to have the end result fail anyway.
To specify, I'm trying to compile a weapon for TF2. This weapon:
To date, the model is finished, it's optimized (no LODs yet) and it's fully unwrapped with a basic, grey-block texture.
It's in 3 parts, the main frame, the barrel and the bullets.
I also want to include one jigglebone on it but that will come later, for now, I just want it to
Could somebody please give me a step-by-step walkthrough on how to get that model into a state where I can use it and test it in-game. Or link me to one.
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Please help me out. I've been dicking about with wallworm and studiocompiler for about two hours now and all it's done is give me a frustration headache. I'm very new to compiling and I have no bloody clue where to even start, so please, help!
Maybe weapons are different than hats? I put down TF2 editing a long time ago before they overhauled their submission process but it seems like they made it easier than what you're going through. What you're going through seems like the old way...
This particular weapon needs to be rigged to three different bones and have a muzzleflash attachment, as well as a jiggle-bone that I want to add.
If there's a way to compile all that using itemtest, I sure as hell haven't seen it.