Hi all.
I'm working on my first full scene in UDK. My two main goals with this project are to practice building an environment with modular pieces and making a wide variety of foliage.
My progress so far:
For the building, I used Humayun's Tomb in Delhi as a reference.
I'm currently working on a bunch of foliage, but I'm struggling at bit with making hedges like these. Anyone know a cool technique or tutorial I could use?
The grass is far too sparse, it gives more of an impression of being a series of cardboard cutouts than actual grass at the moment. And more importantly the shadows are far too dark. You'll need to get an ambient light or a ton of light bounces so you can actually see into the shadows.
In fact, the entire scene could stand to be brighter, considering the architectural theme and being near mid day. EG:
Thanks for the critique Locator. It looks a lot better now. The grass is indeed to sparse right now. I'm not quite sure how much is reasonable for a current gen game, But as long as my frame-rate doesn't suffer I'll add some more