I don't have any guns in my folio, so I've been working on this the last 2 days. Its a bit of a mix of a few different references I found on the net, but I still want it to look pretty authentic.
I've almost finished the high poly. Just a few things I want to fix up. There are some details I'm going to add with nDo later. Here's some shots out of maya with some rough AO baked in. I'm using the cool new Direct X 11 shader.
Unless anyone notices something major that I've missed in the high poly, I'm going to start the low poly soon.
Crits very appreciated.

Here are a few shots of the bakes inside marmoset:
Now I'm going to go back and fix up a shotgun that I got stuck with before this weapon.
Not quite buying the wood grain.
KartoonHead - I'll see what I can do about improving the materials. I'm baking in Maya and rendering in marmoset. Could you show me where you see some of the smoothing errors on the model? The main purpose of this piece was to get a better understanding of normal maps. Do you mean parts like this edge I've pointed to?
Note the rounded edging at the top of the receiver, and the differences in overall width.
More refs always help :
Metal texture seems too light and too reliant on random cloud shapes.
Long barrel is only authentic to the modern semi auto 1927 reproductions and those are usually based on the original 1928 model instead of the simplified M1A1.