Hi Polycount! I'm graduating soon and I wanted to make a piece that really showed off what I'm capable of. I enjoy doing stylized hand painted work most of all so that is what I'm focusing on for this environment.
Any critiques or help that you would care to give me during this process would be amazing.
Below is what I have so far.

Will this only have a diffuse or also normals, specs??
I will keep an eye on this, looks promising.
I love those rocks!
@Cholden Handpainted pieces have always won my heart too, and thank you!
@Minorthreat For the most part I was thinking it would be above ground, but a radioactive forest could be interesting...I'll keep that in mind. Also thank you I'll be sure to keep control of my colors.
@JamieRIOT Thank you, I really wanted them to feel alive in their own way.
@Pixelatedkiwi Thank you very much!
Also I'm referencing this because I would love to emulate that glow.
The texture btw is AWESOME. I really love your style.
Any thoughts of recording the process that you use for creating your Textures?
Because i would really like to see that ^^
Well, I think you should re-organize the website content in some way, it looks a little bit redundant...
I love watching people getting from a blank to such an awesome results!
you can just try distributing cracks more evenly. for example here's how i did it:
@Eliteabix Thank you very much!
@Dubzski Thank you, I'm also looking forward to the finished product.
@Gannon Thanks, I'll be modeling a lot this week so stay tuned!
@Fenyce I understand yeah I'll blow it up and see what I can do,thanks for the suggestion.
@zxcman Why thank you.
@Twoflower I've never recorded anything before, any tips? I could try to do a compilation of screenshots for my process.
@Kuki Thank you
@Fenyce I could definently do some sort of process picture, maybe a gif or something
@Blaisoid I started out very Blizzardy, but I realized it just didnt feel as natural or unique to me so I guess I kind of made my own style. Thank you by the way for the advice, this is gonna be very helpful.
Also thank you moondog760!
Stone (rock texture)
Paver (brick texture)
Wood (Plank style)
Wood (bark)
Establishing the vanilla version of these elements will help you start with a solid foundation that will then in turn let you mix them, or incorporate other elements (like your lava) a lot easier.
I love the work!
I think you'll easily see repetition on your grass, at least when you zoom out a little...
But I really love your style and this clean look, I can't wait for more! Hehe.
And for those who asked for my process:
Also thank you for all the kind comments and wonderful critique I assure I have been taking it to heart and been editing the other textures with your comments in mind. I hope to post my revisions this week. So stay tuned.
darkening the shadows seems like a good idea though.
I messed with the levels some does it look a bit better?
I Liked where you were headed at first. You had more color variation in there and it gave it some life/character, then you browned it up. It's great painting for damn sure. I just think you need some varied hues. A trick I like to use is to take a render clouds with two complimentary colors and overlay it. Then erase here and there. It's quick and can go a long way.
Some progress in the midst of midterms @_@ oi vey
Anywho, thank you joshmtyler for the good idea
@Eliteabix Thats a great thing to hear..or er.. read lol
@KristaW Thank you! I'm working on displaying them soon enough, Just trying to rework the tree, might post some wips for some much needed feedback
But I'd maybe change the color of your presentationssheet to something more neutral. The border irritates the eye a little..
Love to see your painting skills!