This tutorial is covering, how can you use multiple materials on one mesh in 3dsMax/UDK. The theory is simple, we will assign
different material ID's to the mesh for different materials/textures.Lets try it with a simple box. After you made the
box, open up the material editor, and click to "Standard"
Then select Multi/Sub-Object, and click ok. If Max is asking about what to do now, select "discard old material".
Now you got the Multi Material, with 10 materials inside it. There is a button, called "Set Number".There you can set, how many
materials you want. In this example with the box, use 3.
Now we have 3 materials, and 3 material ID's from 1 to 3.
Assign the material to your model. Now its useful to change each submaterials color to be different to each other, so later you can see whether you are doing it right or wrong.
In the next step, we will assign these material ID's to different faces to assign all the 3 materials to one mesh.
Convert the box to editable poly, and then select 2 faces.
Open up the modifier list, and select "Material" modifier. Here you can change the actual material ID on the selected faces.
Set it to 1, and collapse the material modifier.
Select another 2 faces, add the Material modifier again, and set the ID to 2, and collapse it. Do the same with the remaining 2
faces, but use 3 as material ID.
Now you have 3 different material on one mesh, based on the material ID's.
Export your mesh to UDK, import it to UDK, and when you doubleclick to your model in the content browser, you will see, now you are able to assign 3 material to this model.
now all you need to do is to make your own materials in udk and assign them to the model.
I hope this helped, if you have any more questions feel free to ask them!