what do you think about the overall look of this texture?
I like to practice making these kinds of shaders because there are different kinds of elements in it, like the metal, the paint and the rust, there can also be different variations of the look as well.

As you can see, the outstanding surfaces are the most rusted. Also there are some down-flowed discoloration (rudimentary rust) and a lot of scratch and small damages on the paint.and a previous paint layer maybe, but this is not really important.
Using references when you are doing materials would helps you a lot.
YES, thank you, Im aware of that, and I have done some work with UDK in the past, and I have even experimented with its vertex painting feature.
But I am trying to learn something new using Maya only.
The nice thing about shaders like this is you can apply them to high poly models and bake out a diffuse texture when you bake your normals. Or just bake them onto the low poly model itself to use as a base texture. Because shaders like this can be procedural, you can reuse it across props.
I suppport this message. I trying to get a similar workflow
Obscura: I dont think it hurts to experiment doin it in maya. But you are right that if the sahder is done in engine you can reuse the the shader and just tweak settings.
I think this layered shader is looking good, using those textures really helped the look of everything over the previous procedural only method you were working on.
I agree also, it is definitely great to share multiple trades! Never hurts to work with VFX level shaders as well as game level shaders!
thats the entire shader itself, im either using a layered shader or mib_color_mix, but I have not touched the scene file in a while, I have been doing the same thing but in Vray and with a different scene.