Hey Guys,
I know it has been a while since I have posted, life has gotten the best of me the past few months. As some of you may already know I left Terminal Reality/Infernal Engine about 2 months ago for an exciting new opportunity I could not pass up. I have always loved trying to help out to the development community in anyway possible so when Havok approached with a new product that would do just that I knew it was a perfect fit.
Today that product has been announced... Project Anarchy. It is a completely free engine for Andriod and iOS development that incorporates Havok Physics, Havok AI, and Havok Animation Studio (which is Havok Animation and Havok Behavior combined) into the Havok Vision Engine.
Of course the announcement comes just in time for GDC, so we have a large showroom booth showcasing demos, small games, and tech talks using this awesome product. I will be manning an area of the booth from 1-3 everyday then floating around the area when not in meetings.
I will also be helping on leading the online community when it comes up, however in the mean time I will try to get to any questions answered that may come up, but please keep in mind GDC is a crazy time

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Ryan Monday
Technical Art Director
2012 Front Line Award Winner
otherwise could havok have side by side feature checklist comparison like unity website?
That Vision video looks sweet, but you are saying project anarchy is free. So im confused. Is Anarchy a different engine than Vision? Are they both free? Or is Anarchy the same as Vision? The Anarchy website has zero information.
If it's profit sharing but you get to use C++ then it's a really nice alternative to UDK. If it's not and it's really free, and they're doing it to encourage more use and development of the tools then it's a very smart move.
It already looks leagues ahead of Unity visually (though it's hard to beat Unity for rapid development, it's not a pretty engine.)
The UI system is a panel based system.. We will also have scaleform's mobile/lite SDK incorporated but that will have to come at a price.
We give you tons of c++ exposure for more then just LUA information. You will be able to write full plugins and even have access to our shader source. LUA is the only scripting language available.
At this time we do not have any plans to port the toolset over to OSx
It will be available in late spring of this year.
Project anarchy is completely free no matter your revewnue or team size on iOS and Android. It is the Vision Engine with much better integration of Havok products, many bug fixes, and new tools. As soon as you want to start expanding platforms out of iOS and Android then you leave what Project Anarchy is, and you can talk to us about Vision Engine licensing .
Does that clear it up?
There are non for iOS and Android publishing.. Completely free
Thank you for dropping by the booth! You get plenty of C++ access for free
Plus, got a pretty sweet shirt
Awesome thanks for the great words! Also thank you for stopping by!
Nick these details are still being worked out. We are mainly focused on the mobile front for now with availability to expand it if your mobile project takes off
How much of existing asset and code will transfer to Vision from Anarchy?
I know that it supports Max and Maya. At least according to the current vision engine product page.
Do you have any plans to support Modo, C4D, or Blender?
Thank you for your time,
Will the C++ access allow for a programmer to incorporate their own UI and lighting solutions?
This sounds pretty interesting, I'll definitely be checking it out come late spring. Thanks for sticking around and answering questions Ryan.
Sorry for the NecroBump/Post but I have a few more questions -
1. What will be provided to mobile developers in terms of Havok's own middleware?
2. I am seeing on Project Anarchy's site that there is going to be a developer contest. Is this going to be a Game dev jam of sorts? (Ludum Dare, etc.)
3. What profiling tools will be have access to? (Memory? GPU? CPU? etc.)
4. What will the world size be limited to?
5. Will there be a level loaded trigger similar to the source engine?
6. Will we need full SDK access to develop for the OUYA Console?
Thank you for your time,
Btw i'm very hyped for Project Anarchy
Almost everything should convert from Anarchy -> Vision.. The other way can get a bit tricky if you are not using dx9 shaders and depending how much you did to the source code.
Right now it is only Max and Maya as it uses our Havok Content Tools for exporting. There is talk of making the Havok Content Tools support something like FBX so we can expand to more 3D packages.
Jerc... Thank you we are eager to see how the community takes to it! Will be sure to update information on here
Beast is a baked lighting solution.. Vision also ships with vlux which is a baked lighting solution as well and will be free. So out of the box you will have vlux and lightgrid support. Our tool will unwrap your lightmaps unless you specify a uv channel you already unwrapped specifically for lighting. Also it has support for dynamic lights and the way the differed render is setup you can get away with one light at a time for super cheap.
The c++ access will allow you to incorporate your own UI solution, as for lighting this can be a wide range of things so I would need more specifics on what you are looking to do? If you are talking about more custom shaders then yes this will be easy as we give you full source to that. If you are talking about your own baked solution, this may get more tricky.
As always can not wait to see what you think about this product and hopefully put some great apps out with it
No problem for the bumps... As of now there is not a ton of information so I am trying to help with that as we get everything ready to launch for the community!
1. So inside of Havok's Vision Engine will be Havok Physics, Havok Animation Studio (Havok Behavior + Havok Animation), and Havok AI. All these tools will be the full version of the tools with limited C++ access.
2. There will be a competition the details for this are still being sorted. It will be similar to dev jam. But we are looking for more polished and completed games to be pushed on the app store. Details to come soon.
3. Vision has a huge host of tools for what you are mentioning here. On top fo that each of the havok middleware have their own profiling/debugging tools. Some of these tools will even be able to remote connect to your device and give you real time profiling/debugging information.
4. There is no set world size limit.
5. What exactly do you mean by level loaded trigger (sorry it has been a while since I have used source). If you mean when the level is loaded is there a script hook to run code? Then yes in LUA we have a simple on level loaded function.
6. We are not anticipating you will. Ouya is based around the android platform which we are providing for free. If there are any specifics that the console will need we are guessing that it can be developed by the c++ plugin structure we provide for developers.
Hope that helps,
You will still be able to bake lights without beast using visions vlux. Vlux does not have as many features as beast but you will still be able to bake lights in for a faster performance.
Sorry for the confusion on this,
My thinking on the custom lightmapper was "well if beast is added via plugin, can any other solution be added the same way by the developer?" Though the time it would take a dev to make their own lightmappper instead probably isn't very cost effective.
It will be interesting to see the details of the competition too, so I'll be looking forward to that for sure.
Yes they would be able to. But again I want to remind of the fact there will be a free light mapper included.
Obviously beast is much more powerful and have more robust tools, but for mobile vLux (the free light mapper) is more the sufficient.
Does the default GUI system support have a visual editor?
Sadly we don't really have too much control on the middleware pricing. It will be competitive with other engines on the market. Things like scaleform we are going to try and have their full (expensivebut more robust) SDK and mobile (super cheap but limited) SDK setup to easily integrate.
Our default UI tools does not have a visual editor it currently is all through XML. Hence our scaleform options. I am sure someone with in the community will add a visual tool considering the c++/plug-in structure.
Thank you for the kind words.. We are excited to see what people do with the tech!
That is just awesome!
Cannot wait to get my hands on these tools!
Engine looks great.
I take it, I can only really use this if I'm part of a team, whereby I have access to programmers ?
Will there be any sort of 'visual scripting' type systems in place so that non programmers can also make use of the engine ? I'm talking preset behaviours, or systems like Playmaker for unity, or even the 2d game maker Stencyl with it's super easy to use code blocks system. I've still yet to see anybody produce a decent games creation system for non programmers that isn't super cheap and nasty and aimed at pre school children.