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Portfolio - Environment artist - need crits

polycounter lvl 13
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hostilis polycounter lvl 13
Hello guys,

I've finished my new portfolio site. I need crits for the overall presentation, layout and the contents.




  • DWalker
    Overall, the quality seems fine.

    Add a mailto: link for you e-mail address; the rest of the contacts already link directly to the target.

    In each of your projects, move the descriptive text to the start of the page. You might want to have a standard layout for the text - e.g. name, poly count, texture types & sizes, design tools, target engine, brief description of the piece. You should include your name & contact information on each of the images. If a piece was based on a concept sketch, try to include the sketch.

    On the Assassin's creed page, you have blue links near the bottom that are just labelled "Break".

    In the bathroom scene, the curtains (and, to a lesser extent, the floor) seem a bit too clean when compared to the rest of the scene.

    For your professional pieces, include a link to the game's web site. (e.g the Project Earth scene.)

    Some of the textures seem very large - the label on the fire extinguisher, for example. Even today there are limits for real-time work; you might not notice in a single scene or even a level, but they do add up over the course of a game. You should mention texture sizes as well as polygon count.

    On your resume page, you'll want to sort with the most recent stuff first.

    You should change the font on your about page to a traditional font - the all-caps font is not a good choice for text. Also, don't forget to place an actual picture in the place holder spot.
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