current - final? - version

wanted to do a nice high quality fps AKM. i know some guns end up around 10,000 tris in games now so that's where my head's at. i've tried to concentrate those tris in the highly visible FPS areas, big silhouette curves, and of course the sights got some chamfers thrown on. i'm used to about 2-6k for rifles, relying far more on the normal map, so i'm really excited to see how this plays out.
the models feel aaaalmost done to me. i omitted a few details that i still need to go back in and add though, and a few things could be more smooth, some less. i wanna bake this sucker soon.
well, hp first,


Looking forward for progress
looks very good so far
quick morning accuracy improvements to the rear sights
I expect an awesome bake out of this!
I like the softness of the HR, will bake nicely
hey, good eyes, the mag was indeed a few inches too long at the time of that HP render, i've shortened it since (it should be about right on the lowpoly). the side picture i was using as a viewport background modeling reference had a deceptive shadow which made the mag look longer than it is
Hurry up so we can see the bake!
here we go, in engine, in marmoset
still not totally final bakes, there are some minor little errors to fix but i'll just rebake it overnight sometime, it's close enough right now to texture on
and sights
the bake looks fantastic.
Stunning work man.
bek - the wear on the wooden parts is present on the normal map too, yep, along with the scrapes to the finish on the metal
Great stuff!
naw you should leave it as it is.. its not hyper realistic but i love how the chunkyness gives it a manly look
texture sheets are up here if you wanna look at em
downsized to 1024 from 2048
could be a good idea! thanks for the crit
The wood part on the top buggs me tho, first it is really blurry and dosnt have the wood grain the sides have, and second its actually wrong if im not mistaken.
That special pattern on the side is because the wood is cut along the lines, the part you see in first person should meet as really thin lines in the middle to be correct and not the opposite. The side lines are so broad because they are cut diagonally.
Also I cannot read the material of the handle. Its very glossy and looks like latex or red marble.
i'm not totally sure I follow your wood comments but, the reason I have the grains as loops on the sides and as lines on the top planes is because the way the wood is cut results in this pattern:
the handgrips on these guns was commonly bakelite, an old type of hard glossy plastic which came in a good range of hues within the red/brown spectrum. it's kind of a pain in the ass to replicate, for how subtle it is, hehe.