Hi guys, sorry for this rushed thread, currently making a mech to enter into the CGStudentAwards "Next Gen Gaming" category, and i was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or predictions on what tri counts are going to be like in the PS4 generation, the low poly for my mech is already at over 12k and that's just two legs half an arm and a shoulder pad

. And i don't want it too be too unrealistic, ideally i'd like it to be a correct amount for a high end game.
But at this rate i think it's going be hitting 30k tri's or round about that mark, do you think this would be acceptable for a "Hero" prop? even now perhaps?
My vague "bar" for measuring tri count against that i've used for a while is just keeping mind that Marcus Phoenix in Gears is around 15,000 from what i last heard so by that reckoning personally i don't think 30k or even a bit higher would be too much for an 18 foot tall hero piece, any thoughts?
i saw so many next gen vehicle/character around 40-50-60k.so i think 30k is not too much
Type of game since a open world game would hit tings harder than a game with only small parts of the environment visible at once. Than things like how many characters are viable on screen at once etc.
also in a lot of current games for PC atleast, it isnt tri counts dragging performance down, it is shaders, fillrate and overdraw.
just make it look awesome and be efficient and you'll be fine.
just use what you need to preserve the silhouette at all angles view-able to the player.
While I agree it's less of an issue than maybe it was Vertex data is also passing though vertex shaders. If a skinned character has 20k verts, there is a distance on screen at which it will be vert bound and at which point it would be more efficient if LODed. I don't know about the this "next generation" (I've jumped out of that race) , though the experience with every other generation as been people saying"don't worry about it you can have x times more" - yet the reality has never been that, we prototype x times more and have had to scale back.
[RoosterMap said]
"just use what you need to preserve the silhouette at all angles view-able to the player."
That I agree is the most important thing
Sean says x2 current gen is completely acceptable, but does that apply for Third Person props as well? For ref, Gears of War 3 dedicated approx. 1,800-6,500 tri's to its weapons.
Vehicles, props, and other non-deforming stuff on the other hand...