Hi everyone, we are team BrainJelly:
chaosblade- 3d artist
pins - 3d artist
Jiina - concept artist
We finished!
Our idea for this project is a robbery in the downtown area of a futuristic city: Our thief character is a female android who has stolen something very important and has made a very close getaway from law enforcement/guards and is escaping on a motorbike. We will flesh the story out as we go along.
The style we want to follow is a cyberpunk/blade runner style.
This looking great so far guys:)
Chaosblade, the hp thief sculpt is looking killer but the whole neck/shoulders area feels a little bit off. She's got these essentially flat clavicle's, and really small trapezius which makes it look like her neck is too long; even though it's probably just the right length.
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy the last while getting the environment set up. Not much to show right now, I have just been doing some tests in UDK and getting a bunch of modular pieces together. Don't know how we are going to finish in time :poly122:
Did quite a bit on the environment this past week, Still lots to do on it, it looks a bit to clean at the moment I think, and the lighting needs work. Really need to move onto finishing the character and start her bike now though.
I'm loving this. Not only the fact that I love cyberpunk and I see you are a Softimage user (not many of those around lately), the mood and the concept really got me interested. I'm looking forward to see this finished.
I think it's for the same reason we still use analog watches with needles instead of using only digital watches (which are more easy to read on the fly). Cyberpunk is about the future but also traditional things from the past. That or I'm talking nonsense and these guys just liked the chinese box, lol. In any case, I love the contrast of very futuristic with old stuff.
Thanks for the comments!
I actually started off designing the box to be more futuristic, but after talking about it we figured that it might be more interesting to do something different. I have no idea whats in the box, might be some fancy artifact, who knows and also because it looks cool ^_^
What I would do if I were you now, is play around with the final composition some more. The shots you posted above don't do the scene justice so far. Zoom in on the bike, play some more with fov and the camera position and even motion blur if you can make it work in a static image Could be very cool.
Getting nice! but I think her forearms are too short... from elbow to wrist there should almost have the shoulder to elbow distance (well a little less but not THAT less)
Getting nice! but I think her forearms are too short... from elbow to wrist there should almost have the shoulder to elbow distance (well a little less but not THAT less)
Thanks I think it may just be the back shot throwing things off a bit, when I bend the arm straight, it looks pretty good to me
That's a mighty fine character. Superb detail work. Is the face supposed to be flesh or synthetic? Looks quite doll-like at the moment, whether or not that's what you're going for I feel the face could use some more interest, particularly around the eyes. Needs some more contrast. I tend to look more at the body right now.
To be honest I don't like the direction the mech hipoly is being taken. Way too many small parts and openings that makes the legs look more vulnerable than powerful. I liked the clean shapes of the blockout a lot. Imo it would be nice to see it looking more utilitarian.
Thanks for the feedback guys, AimBiZ: I might have got carried away with too many small details and no solid direction :poly131:, perahps I will add some panels/armour to cover up the exposed bits, but first I need to get it finished! I better hurry up, here is the arm highpoly.
Pins, that gun is one chunky hunka awesome! It kind of looks light you might have to move around some parts to make something bake friendly, but I'd equally like to see you just dump tris on it to keep all those shapes! :P So cool!
AimBiZ: Thank you. Ye, its meant to be synthetic, face could def use some more work, does feel a bit bland in those shots
TorQue[MoD] & fearian: Thanks:)
6 Days to finish torso bit of mech and then lowpoly and tex = no sleep for pins, hehe. Will probably have to help out on the low poly...
bike highpoly: Could use some more love, and compared to the mech not nearly as detailed, but just dont have enough time to do much more.
Chaosblade, could you redo the chick's hair so it isn't so static? I think making it more dynamic will look more eye catching and help sell the speed she's travelling.
Chaosblade, could you redo the chick's hair so it isn't so static? I think making it more dynamic will look more eye catching and help sell the speed she's travelling.
Ye I def want to add some movement to the hair (have to finalize her pose and fix weighting, still some wonky bits in there), also add a few more strands if I have time. Busy helping retopo the mech... tooo many details.
Here's the bike so far, just dDo base right now for textures. need to get a nice car paint shader going on, which I have no idea how to do in UDK.
definitely got my vote, this scene is awesome! I think you should add in a pursuit car though cause there's no damn way foot soldiers and a mech would be able to catch her. Unless that's the point?
Just putting this in here as well. Was too tired to do it last night.
HUGE congratulations to all that entered this comp, was really fun and I learned a ton of new stuff:)
Just a quick update on what we've been busy with. Please let us know if you have any feedback or crit
This our final environment idea without the characters included:
Working on some more ideas for our thief:
Aaaaaand lastly, some blocking out of our scene in 3D:
Looking forward to the texture phase
Chaosblade, the hp thief sculpt is looking killer but the whole neck/shoulders area feels a little bit off. She's got these essentially flat clavicle's, and really small trapezius which makes it look like her neck is too long; even though it's probably just the right length.
I will keep an eye on your project .
Scudz: Thank you! Thanks for the crits too, ill tweak those areas a bit to see if i can get it looking better.
tortu: Thanks
Thanks everyone for the comments and feedback!
Let me know your thoughts
Here is the concept for the box our thief will be holding.
One question: Why would in a world like this (all high techy, cyberpunk) would the brief case look like an ancient Chinese box?
Note: just wondering to get some idea of what is being stolen :P I love the box.
I actually started off designing the box to be more futuristic, but after talking about it we figured that it might be more interesting to do something different. I have no idea whats in the box, might be some fancy artifact, who knows
this shot is coming along already:
What I would do if I were you now, is play around with the final composition some more. The shots you posted above don't do the scene justice so far. Zoom in on the bike, play some more with fov and the camera position and even motion blur if you can make it work in a static image
Keep up the good work!
To be honest I don't like the direction the mech hipoly is being taken. Way too many small parts and openings that makes the legs look more vulnerable than powerful. I liked the clean shapes of the blockout a lot. Imo it would be nice to see it looking more utilitarian.
AimBiZ: I might have got carried away with too many small details and no solid direction :poly131:, perahps I will add some panels/armour to cover up the exposed bits, but first I need to get it finished! I better hurry up, here is the arm highpoly.
TorQue[MoD] & fearian: Thanks:)
6 Days to finish torso bit of mech and then lowpoly and tex = no sleep for pins, hehe. Will probably have to help out on the low poly...
bike highpoly: Could use some more love, and compared to the mech not nearly as detailed, but just dont have enough time to do much more.
Chaosblade, could you redo the chick's hair so it isn't so static? I think making it more dynamic will look more eye catching and help sell the speed she's travelling.
Ye I def want to add some movement to the hair (have to finalize her pose and fix weighting, still some wonky bits in there), also add a few more strands if I have time. Busy helping retopo the mech... tooo many details.
Here's the bike so far, just dDo base right now for textures. need to get a nice car paint shader going on, which I have no idea how to do in UDK.
And as for your car paint... [ame="
Not the best material, but its a good basis if you added in some world reflections via cubemaps it would probably look great.
HUGE congratulations to all that entered this comp, was really fun and I learned a ton of new stuff:)