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sort of a dumb question about linear workflow...

polycounter lvl 5
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Penetralia polycounter lvl 5
I have been learning how to use a linear lighting workflow in maya.
Does anyone know if any of the stuff concerning gamma apply when lighting in a game engine?
From what I've learned, linear workflow helps you obtain physically correct renders by keep it in linear colorspace rather than srgb- Does anyone know if something like this happens for game rendering?
If anyone can tell me the difference between what exactly is going on when you render in a 3d package on your computer/renderfarm from a what goes on when you compile you scene onto a console from the game engine I will be a happy clam.


  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Pretty sure most modern day games use gamma-correct lighting. There isn't a difference in the rendering, really - it's the same process.

    Light colour and colour textures get converted from gamma to linear space, the scene is lit as per normal using those values, then the end result gets put back into gamma space and displayed.
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