Hello Everyone !
Abominatus Games is team made up of 16 people. After almost 2 years of teamwork we are still working on our projects.
Our 2 projects are basically connected to each other of which our first(small) is the Prequel to the second(big) game. The Small Game "Project Orion: Prologue"(WORKING NAME) on which we are primarily working .
We are making a non-linear Science Fiction fps/rpg mixed genre game inspired by Mass Effect franchise as well as many other sci-fi games.
We will bring some features that really hasn't been in any games in the past.
Our universe is based on our so called Nogitaka Universe, and the style we will bring to you so far is the Realistic Science Fiction.
Note that our project and the work we are doing are
currently unpaid !
Short Story of "Project Orion: Prologue":
Be the Fallen Agent Anton seeking his last chance at redemption. Utilize skills like stealth, violence and special abilities to overcome Akitano-System for his masters, the Orion Republic.
Engage in layers of secondary missions and quests as you alone determine fate as galaxies collide!
Go through a vastly driven story of the Nogitaka-Universe!
OPEN POSITIONS:- 3D Artist & Animator: (1x open positions)
- Create immerse character and environment art.
- Plan, animate, implement and support different scenes and sequences.
- Synthesize levels/characters from concept art and blockouts into final game environments and characters.
- Conceptualize, design, and create kits and tilesets for specific levels.
- Hard surface and organic modeling experience.
+ Experience with Unreal Engine 4 (additional requirement)
* Sample work is required demonstrating previous 3d and animation experience and knowledge
- Concept Artist: (1x open position)
- Create visually interesting, attractive and functional characters and environment art
- Paint concepts that show a specific feel of a location and also describe enough detail to inform an asset list.
- Able to create vastly driven character races and specific designs of each.
- Able to work with level teams to help illustrate any areas that require development.
- Passionate for conceptual tasks.
* Sample concept work is required demonstrating previous experience and knowledge
- Effects Artist: (1x open position)
- Creating any VFX content needed during the various phases of a project.
- Able to construct explosion, muzzle flashes, laser, dust and other particle and science fiction effects
- Required experience with Unreal Engine 4
- Preparing assets for export to game engine.
- Contribute to the development and enhancement of effects systems, tools, and pipelines
- Assist in production of trailers, mockups and other compositing work as necessary
* Sample work is required demonstrating previous effects experience and knowledge
- C++ Programmer: (1x open positions)
- Simply to have understanding and experience with writing codes using C++ in Unreal Engine 4
* One important Gameplay - Feature will be that the player-character becomes familiar with the weapon he uses
- Implementation of core game features
- Able to realize new Gameplay Elements
- Able to write Quest-Tracking with Dialog-Trees
- Able to write a Skill System.. So, the engine should be able to follow a Character Progression
The Engine we are working with is Unreal Engine 4 Additional CRITERIA:
-We highly require you to have Skype, google account as well google drive for file sharing
-Also we have our own Slack so we require that for better communication
-Many of us play games often and talk about them, so it'll be a big plus if you are familiar with playing games and if you have look of a gamer aspect
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AbominatusGames
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AbominatusGames
Follow us on INDIEDB: Abominatus Games company - Indie DBHow to apply:
Send us a message to our e-mail
abominatusgames@gmail.com and include the following:
-The place you are willing to apply to
-Send us your portfolio
-Tell us why you want to join our team
-How long do you have experience with the required position that you choose to join?
- What you gain as a member - (Benefits):
- Huge amount of experience
- Be part of an originally created projects
- Your name in the credits
- Be part of a fun and active team
- Make some friends 
- Even more (A LOT MORE)
- Profit Share
Required Time:
About 10-12 hours a week.
Also we have a team google hangout(meetings).
About the payment:
What we are offering is a % of the game sale which we'll achieve after the kickstarter/indiegogo campaign which we plan to start after we have our prototype finished and something to show as a team. Meaning if you want to help out with future projects you will keep getting % from this game.
Some rough concepts in development

Here's our first logo reveal (not final, just a peak):
If you have any question simply write a comment bellow.
Our team is looking for 3D Character (and Environment) Artist
Hey guys!
We had a quite interesting amount of applicants who wanted to join for the 3D Character Artist Position which is now closed and taken. I'm sorry for those who didn't get through, but that shouldn't discourage you to continue.
Yet, there is an open position - Unreal Script Programmer for the UDK.
We've got one more open position for you !
Are you a Character Concept Artist ?
Well this is your chance, send us an email if you are interested !
My name is Carlos Villas
We added new positions, see the first post for open positions.
Please email use if you want to apply for the required position.. We won't response on applications through the forums!
If you have any question, feel free to ask, and we'll make sure to answer it
I'd advise changing the name of your project to avoid confusion (doubly so as you don't want to be confused with this project after all the bad press it got).
We already have a music composer, what we need is already noted in the first post.
@ambershee : Our game is not called just Orion it's called Project Orion: Prologue, which makes a huge difference. But it's still not our final decision.. We had too many choices, so we decided to stay with this as a codename.We'll see in the future, there's still lots to do
Happy hunting for talents here in PC, loads of awesomeness lurking around : )
UPDATE: We are still looking for a Programmer and Effect Artist, so if you like what you read above in the first post, please consider contacting us via the e-mail noted above...
UPDATE2: I'm strictly permitted to post images of our work, but there you have them, I posted a few rough concepts currently in development
Thanks for your time
We have programmers positions open.
Please check the first post of the thread and read carefully.
If you think something is missing please let me know.
If you have any questions go ahead, I'll do my best to answer as quickly as possible.
If there isn't any position that you look forward to apply please let us know.
New open positions including concept artist, 3d artist and animator, c++ programmer and fx artist.
If you find yourself eligible please read the first post and apply for your desired position
If there isn't any position that you look forward to apply please let us know.
My name is Pedro. Here is my Portfolio:
my portfolio is: www.nasiotisgeorgios.com
I am interested in helping out as a concept artist. I have a few questions.
1. What experience level are you looking for?
2. How much time do you expect one to be dedicating per week to the project?
3. What is you're desired pace of producing artwork?
4. What method of communication is the team using? How often?