If you are to change the nail colors maybe you could scale those hands down a bit? and add some alpha rip/tear on this green material near her hands, or maybe just an arc so it would not be so rectangular. Just an humble opinion
I remember someone else having this same problem but I cant find the thread it was in. Im working on an earthshaker totem and im having a scaling issue.
For some reason the weapon is slightly larger than it should be and I can tell why.
its the same size as the default weapon.
I thats 3dsmax you could check couple of things:
- check if you have any scale on your model, bones or any parents objects like 110%
- reset Xform on your mesh
- delete and and skin modifier one more time
if you used smd/fbx from download page maybe it would be better to decompile them from game files? The best call would be to PM someone who made earthshaker cosmetics I guess. I remember Vlad did one.
The Earthshaker files from the requirements page are like 10% larger than the in-game model. So either you have to scale down the totem or decomplile directly from the game files to get the correct size
alch set is the best dota 2 set so far, its so well made, design, textures , everything 10+ ... really liked your works ingame
i need to strat learning 3d modeling fast ... god dammit
Can't say I'm a big fan of the color. I get the look that you're going for, but I don't think it fits NP at all. On the other hand, the shape and sculpt look great! Maybe just make the model bit smaller, specially so it doesn't clip with the ground as it is currently doing.
ey bro ur stuff looks great I have just one question about the Texturing process.
When you use your bake map to create shadow in your textures, how do you apply it? Do you make the map black and white and then lower its opacity? (assuming bake map is a normal map right...? ~ ~)
Trying to get this thing done before this month ends
Just gotta fix some of the rigging and it should be done.
Now put yo hands in the air like you just don't care!
Looks really good, but I dont know how I feel about the white fingernails. :thumbup:
In other news, im working on some items with robo.
cause axe already has a jiggly axe. looks neat anyway. very clean
Here's the final thing.
I remember someone else having this same problem but I cant find the thread it was in. Im working on an earthshaker totem and im having a scaling issue.
For some reason the weapon is slightly larger than it should be and I can tell why.
its the same size as the default weapon.
- check if you have any scale on your model, bones or any parents objects like 110%
- reset Xform on your mesh
- delete and and skin modifier one more time
if you used smd/fbx from download page maybe it would be better to decompile them from game files? The best call would be to PM someone who made earthshaker cosmetics I guess. I remember Vlad did one.
i need to strat learning 3d modeling fast ... god dammit
Amazing set!
Finishing up the earthshaker weapon
When you use your bake map to create shadow in your textures, how do you apply it? Do you make the map black and white and then lower its opacity? (assuming bake map is a normal map right...? ~ ~)