Hi guys, my first post here, awesome forum with awesome artists. I really liked the theme and purpose of the contest.
I started with a sketch of my idea. It´s gonna be some chick trying escape from some creature and the only way to get out it´s jumping out the place without knowing what have outside.
But the first sketch it´s more horror scifi (dead space) , maybe she have a jetpack and a better suit and gun, but she´s really injured and in panic.
The second it´s more like exploitation films (the hill have eyes) the girl lost her family, a lot of bandage around the body, and really scared make the final attempt to breaking free from that mountains.
During the production i´m gonna try another camera angles to valorize the expression of the character. Any sugestions and critics are very welcome.

If you want it to look like she's lost her composure, you could have her gun floating just out of reach. As if she dropped it while barreling through the window/wall.