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Queen Boudicca - A School Project

Hi there!

I'm a student at The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark, and a long-time lurker of Polycount. Right now we are doing a biped project and our current lecturer has encouraged us to join a forum and start getting involved in the community, so here I am!

I've decided to make my own take on Queen Boudicca, who is a real historical figure that rampaged across England around 61AD, killing a whole bunch of Romans in the process. Most of the stuff on her portrays her in a dress despite her martial prowess, so I went a bit more crazy so I could do some anatomy.





We've started on our 3D models today, and we have 2 weeks to get it all done.

My lecturer tells me I need to rough her up more (blood stains, dirt, etc.), give her a bigger spear and decide between buff woman or mother (basically tone down the musculature). I'll get to working on this soon. Any thoughts?

Good to finally be posting here!


  • krisCrash
    Offline / Send Message
    krisCrash polycounter lvl 9
    I like her buff mama essence, it's just the first drawing that you've really dug into the muscle creases and shaded them, maybe fade that a bit and use a big brush to shade the big shapes instead. I don't think having both muscle and motherly is a problem, especially because you did it realistically by giving her those working muscles bulking her torso instead of body builder muscles. But hey, opinions :) Love her attitude.
  • ElectroNugget
    Okay cool. I definitely want to stick with the anatomy but I can tone down the muscles and add a litte bit more fat I guess. :) Thanks!
  • ElectroNugget
    We've started work on the model this week. So far I have a rudimentary body mesh and a head.

    This is the first time I've tried modelling something so detailed in Maya so it's going a bit slowly- The body needs a lot more work: finish the hands, add breasts etc.



    Any thoughts?
  • ElectroNugget
    So a lot has happened since the last update, I finished her body and went on to make the clothes and even some props. Now her low poly mesh is kinda done and the next step is to take her into mudbox (which we are being taught at this very moment). Personally I am looking forward to it!



    Her hair is a separate mesh right now while I try to figure out what works best. I might merge it with the skull at some point.
  • ElectroNugget
    Quick update before I go home for the day, I decided to give Zbrush a try and wow! What an awesome program. :) The interface took a few tutorials to get used to but I am amazed how far my model has come with just an hour in Zbrush.


    Really excited to keep working on this.
  • ElectroNugget
    Nearing completion of the sculpt. First my low poly in Maya:


    And Zbrush. Some things didn't work so well in the transition from low poly to high (I can now see why quads are so important, among other things), so next time I will hopefully be able to avoid the same issues. I'm also pretty new to this so it's been a slow process.



    I decided to drop the bandages and cover her in woad paint instead, similar to Kiera Knightly in King Arthur.


    I intend to put her spear through Zbrush as well as pose her and make a base somewhat like one finds on a Warhammer miniature. And textures! If I ever get that far. XP
  • ElectroNugget
    I have uploaded a turnaround to Vimeo if anyone is interested. Technically the requirements of the assignment have been met but I would really like to carry on to texturing and posing, as well as sculpting her spear and maybe the base as well to include some scenery. Zbrush is amazing!

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