Hi all,
Some really nice ideas coming together.
I'm thinking to do a piece based on the notion of 'escapism'. It will also have elements of escape and epic cheese.
When I was a kid, playing video games was an escape into a world of adventure and imagination. Other art forms do this as well, films, books, booze etc.
A few pixels on a screen represented so much awesome for me, eg Galaga challege mode with 2 ships. One thing that got me, was always the difference between the box art and the representation in game. Sure, limited processes and tech, its all cool.
With today's engines, its all possible to create this box art as a representation of what is actually ingame. So I am planning to create an image of macho dude and 80s chick escaping from a badass enemies, based on this cheesy imagery that meant so much to me as a kid.
TBH its gunna look like a mess, shit hair dos, epic poses, kickin stuff, wanna be scary creatures, spaceships chilling menacingly, cool chrome on stuff.. I dont care as long as it doesn't feel like work. I'll use cryengine 3.
Here's some box art for your eyes. Some of it hurts, so be careful.

Ok here a small update.
Hopefully it can give some example of some type of direction.
Using the retro ref Im putting together one of the two people in the scene. The other will be a girl side kick with big 80s hair.

And the arm weapon.. Tough dudes respect sharks and like canons. So....

suggestions welcome.
The dude has had a bit of refinement, needs a lot more. Trying to find some time to make his arm weapon.
I have been testing some elements/bad guys for the background. As a reference to ol'skool 8 bit gaming and to add some interest, maybe, I want to create pixelized/cubic enemies attacking and chasing the character. I tried displacement maps, and the engine hated it. Raw geo with vertex colours was the easiest way. Althou quite high poly the engine chews thru it with ease. Lights look pretty cool aswell. I use a Maya plugin called Voxelise. A Mel script that replaces the shell of an object with cubes then Maya crashes, but it sometimes works.
This is the monster/alien/invader from Space invaders cabinet art. A bit hard to actually visualise what the hell he is, but I think with some rigging/posing and refinement of his colouring it could look ok.
Heres a croc I Wipped up. A reference to Pitfall. Still needs a lot of refinement, just showing the process.
Once I have more time Ill try to get some better results in the engine and refine the process.
CnC welcome
Such a great idea I am keen to see some more.