Hi all,
Got a new deadline on my portfolio so I will be doing these 'small' environments every 2/3 weeks and hopefully have something nice in the end to show off on my portfolio

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I will use this thread to keep track of how I'm doing and for self-motivation

Goals for this project:
- Finishing it in 2/3 weeks, taking some days off if I have to.
- Using a concept for reference
- Modular where possible
- Looking for references for every item that needs to be done.
- Improving on texturing
- Stop being afraid to use some color!
- A focus on lighting
- Using time efficiently, not wasting too much time on modelling
- Simple, but high quality geometry
- Paying a close attention to scale and composition
- Expanding on the concept, what else could there be inside the offices?
- Put more time into presentation
Just to wrap my head around it and sticking to it this time..
- Concept breakdown for modular usage
- A blockout, get the sense of scale right
- Working on modular pieces first
- High to Low poly where needed
- Props
- Lighting
- Finishing touches
- Presentation
First off, this awesome concept by
http://khaleev-.cghub.com/ and a breakdown (for anyone who can actually read my handwriting) :

Really looking forward to starting this after looking for more references for each item in the concept! More tomorrow..
Also, that concept looks like the study room from Community :P
Figure that your character is 6'.. an average door is 8' high, ceiling is probably ~13', hallway is probably around 13 as well.
It's still off a bit I think. In the concept the width of the hallway looks to be a little under 2 door heights, and it's closer to 3 door heights in your blockout. Also the wall in the concept looks like it's about 1.5 door heights tall, and it's a bit more it blockout.
As doorframes are a good indicator of the overall scale, your assets will also be too big later. Maybe its just the perspective (size looks usually a bit different from the 1st person view of course) but personally I find it really huge.
I would say you sould take a look at those threads:
As for the wall I think the color matches good with the concept but your damage looks a bit squashy since it looks some kind of pushed in instead of broken in a way modern concrete would break.
Take a look at some reference pictures and try to replicate the cracks and the damage as good as you can to really sell that stuff.
As I'am also a beginner, I can't give such a competent critique as a pro could do but I try my best to help.
Just my two cents^^
But you are on the right track and if you fix issues like the scale at the beginning, you won't have to struggle with that later on since scale is one of the things which can really ruin a good scene.
Keep it up!
I've been playing with the scale a lot now. Trying to make it match up to the character but still staying true to the concept...it's not matching up atm indeed. When I went into first person mode it just didn't make sense, when looking at the stock character he felt really small. But I'll see what happens if I scale the door more correctly to the character, and perhaps lowering the windows just a bit. I feel like getting the scale down first is important too.
The wall was a first test and it could be better. For each object I found ref but somehow I skipped on that when I started to sculpt the damage in the wall. I'll go back and bake a few new bakes, thanks for the feedback
In the meantime here's an update on the left wall;
Gonna use the scratched surfaces to chip away the paint on those places..some real life ref was pretty much needed, like this one:
Now that I'm looking at it again I might push the sculpt a little bit more
/spam mode off
Just updated the front wall with the correct normal/ texture
Edit - and the normals on the corner of your wall are a bit broken at the moment
I'll also go back and check on the corner, cheers!
Take a look at some bullet penetration videos - aside from the fun, they can show you what happens to real-world materials when hit by bullets.
And maybe you guys can solve a mystery for me that's been bugging me the last two days:
Lightmaps that show seams from certain angles..(Build with production settings and one simple omni)
Keep it up!
Any tips on design or lighting etc is greatly appreciated
Tomorrow working on the first couple props, starting with the ceiling lights and window blinds! Looking forward to it~
I think your scene is coming along. Its certainly much better than it was a few days ago.
I'm not totally convinced by the door dimensions you opted. It could help if your preview camera was closer to that of the player, but anyhow, it looks a bit too wide.
You may want to check the following image for some reference on the proportions:
I think the only other thing that currently "stands out" is the wall texture. I know it has been said before, so I will leave you some links for your reference. What gets to me is that your current holes are from a metal wall, as it seem to have absorved most of the impact and bent. On concrete/brick walls, the impact shatters the concrete instead of bending it. Perhaps, as it has been suggested, you could solve the problem by using a "perfect wall" texture and a lerp with a map to blend between the perfect wall and the holes, or decals.
Keep up the good work. It is coming along.
Also fixed the height of the door~
The blinds in the window should probably be behind the table. Try to work out in your head the sequence of events; figure out where the explosion occurred, where the props were at the time, and determine what happened as the explosion went off - blast wave, followed by light debris, followed by heavier objects. If the explosion was at the hole in the wall, then the box directly under the hole should have been tossed aside.
The table looks a bit too simple - I'd expect braces or beams to support the table legs.
Worked on the glass:
Cheers for all the tips, keeps pushing me
Also updated the table with some support pieces on the bottom ~
You've been quite busy I take. Good progress.
I have my doubts about the window glass texture tho. I believe it lacks rhythm and purpose. What bothers me is that the fractures are almost the same size and don't seem to have a connection to the polygonal shape at all.
I think you would be better off using maps to achieve the broken glass texture, and that has the benefit of lowering your poly counts.
What I can point you to think about is that when you break a window, it will have high frequency shards close to the point of impact, and then as the impact wave travels the frequency reduces, but as it bounces on the frame and comes back, sometimes it also gives high frequency shards by frame mount.
In an attempt to illustrate my point and help you towards the shader solution, I have done a draft shader based on an image. Forgive me for the draft look, but I think the point comes across.
Keep up man, this is getting better and better!
All the best,
Getting better by the days. keep up, keep growing.
Looks like you've been progressing. Lemme ask you this, are you using real-world units for measuring? The reason I ask, is because at least on this camera/view, the PC seems rather big.
Other than that, good progress. keep up.
The PC also seems strangely pristine for having been blown-up. While the following pictures might be carrying things a bit far, I think it should show some damage.
But the decal is only projecting on the floor, not on the two panels beneath the PC which is strange..I could project it onto the pc tho
btw, thanks for all the feedback so far, really helpfull
Neon tubes usually give out pretty white / cold light, also even if they were yellow, your PC stands out with the only cold toned object in the scene which is distracting
It looks really warm and inviting right now, cold light would bring the destroyed stuff a lot better. Maybe get a complementary contrast
Asset wise it looks really nice, Just dont like those rectangles on the bottom , cant really read what they are.
Edit: Looking at the concept - it has a complementary contrast in lighting,
purple on top and yellow accents. It gives a very different mood than you have right now.