Welp, back again. I participated in the team fortress polycount contest and I'm back with (hopefully) a little more knowledge. I've never done a full scene before, so I thought this contest would be a wonderful way to learn before I'm even taking game design classes.
Recently, I've fallen in love with a song by the Andrew Sisters, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy which has inspired me with a theme for a little darker scene of escape.
I did a little quickie concept art of what I'm going for

In case you can't tell from my horrid sketch,its supposed to be a young man in a plane about to pull the trigger. He's choosing to escape the agony of going down with a burning plane by ending it quickly first. I'm planning on having this be a real character, not just some faceless man in a war. He originally was a musician but got caught up in the draft. He'll have family photos taped up in his cockpit, a cross, some patches on his jacket, and some other touches. I want to stir away from the chase sense of escape and go for a little more abstract idea. Not sure how the hell I'll do this, but I'll give it a go.
(Great I spelled Escape wrong in the title. I'd appreciate if a moderator could help me out a little and add an E please)
Have some traditionally drawn character designs to replace Mr. GI John. I find it much easier to do drafts on actual paper.
Concept: Come up with plane, character and gun final disigns
Organization: Set up organized file paths
Make sure tools work?
(blender, Photoshop elements 8, Source SDK HLMV, itemtest [if smd export still won't work], Hammer, garry's mod or tf2 for final render and screen capping)
Props (gun, bugle)
To Learn now:
Character rigging and posing
Face Flexes
Simple environment (Skybox, maybe a ground with trees if time alotted)
Particle effects (If I can't manage particles, perhaps pre-rendered smoke, flames as static models)
Compile models that work with Source SDK
Get models in HLMV
Get models with bones in HLMV
Get a simple map out of Hammer with out it crashing 2345676543245 times.
Figure out how I'll do the picture. ( Put the models freeze frame into a map and load it into tf2 or maybe make map, plane, gun, and character ragdoll separate and pose in garry's mod)
I kind of want to put the sponsoring logos as stickers on the airplane. Little derps I made. I'll clean em up when there's not a paper due tomorrow.
Yes, there will be a valve logo soon and a custom escape logo with a little more airforce-y vibe.
Maybe later today or tomorrow there will be another update with a marker drawing I did to kind of play with colors.
Blender 3d model software
Gimp image editor
Smd tools for blender (make models that work with source)
MDL compiler (compiles models for source)
helpful tutorials:
Spuf thread on modeling for tf2
Blender noob to pro (Helpful for doing things with blender)
Blender normal map tutorial
Feel free to use any of these, I figured I'd post them for anyone who's lost or looking for tools/tips.
I'll add to more to this list if I find anything
Have a marker drawing I did during lecture. Mostly just visualizing them colors. Also I have too few markers.
I made an unfortunate accident.. plz help me