Hey all, I'm making this environment using Unity3D. There are a lot of cool Unity mobile game and I think it would be cool to make an environment for a mobile game. This isn't the first time I've used Unity but it's the first time I've used it to create a sexy environment.
I'm kind of inspired by games like Metal Gear on the PS2 and PSP. Those game always had impressive, realistic graphics using style and the power of those specific consoles. They still look great compared to mobile games but that's not important. I want the environment look like an isometric mix of Fallout 3's destroyed interiors with Metal Gears urban, industrial buildings. I know I still have a lot to do. Many assets are textured with a single, clean 1024 map. Most likely I will have to remodel and retexture some of the assets. There is also another map for alphas.
I'd appreciate any critiques on any aspects of the project. I would love for this scene to run on my sorta crappy htc one v but I'll settle for it running real time on Unity on my pc. Since I'm using the free version of Unity, shadows are not turned on. Shadows are only available in Unity Pro so I guess I'll have to rely on vertex painting to shade and light the environment?

On the texture sheet, the wall that has the warning texture on it, maybe you could make that a decal so the wall could fully tile more.
As for the shadows, have you thought of doing a light map on the second UV channel?
I actually didn't think of using a second uv channel for lightmapping. I thought that since Unity free doesn't have access to shadows, it didn't have access to lightmapping either. I realize now that both features are totally different. I'm adding second uv channels for all the assets and I'll bake out some light maps. I'll post greater updates soon. In the mean time, here's some updates on the textures.