Hey guys!
Some of you may have seen my DmC cut scene WIP and I thought I would post this one up now so I can keep updating the two treads individually. These are my two main animation projects using markerless mocap at the moment so expect more updates.
Here is some current WIP of a playable character in UDK. I am going for a Nathan Drake style of character with as many bells and whistles that I can add on without having to touch too much script. Incidentally if anyone CAN script and would like to help out, please message me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZiv6Ldvnl0"]Playable Character WIP - YouTube[/ame]
The basic Walk, Idle, Backwards and Strafe are in at the moment.
Any crits would be much appreciated
Just a quick update to my playable character animations. I have worked on the skinning a little bit as it was clearly rough before. I have added in the crouch anims, the sprint anim and various jumps. I have also included in this video a rough draft of a "take down" I am working on.
Any crits would be much appreciated