Hello everyone,
Wanted to start a thread here as soon as possible, even if I have no solid Ideas yet.
for now I have an Idea to create a season changing environment/battle something like that. since winter is over now I wanted create either a summer God escaping winter and dominating over it once more, or to create a battle between summer and winter, where winter has lost a fight and tries to escape. If no other Ideas comes to my head then I'm gonna go with this one.
Latest update:

good luck
It reminds me of this episode of Star Trek TNG.
right now I'm trying to make some environment, I have never modeled environment before, so it's rather difficult. I have seen many people do blockouts, but even this is pretty hard for me. right now sculpted a part of dungeon floor where the heart of winter will be placed. for now I'm just experimenting, and going to try and create a texture of this model. I really want to make a "painterly" texture, something similar from darksiders.
this time I made a small texture test. here I use normal diffuse and glow. after this I feel a bit more satisfied so now with the same texturing method and begin modeling the rest of the castle. i am not gonna make a concept, it's still blury in my mind, but hopefuly it will creal up after I model some... something.
Small sculpt:
I made the ornaments just placing them all over the model, for this I used 8 different alphas that I created in 3ds max.
Could be cool to make one of his shoulder pads a little different/larger, not sure though, i really kind of like the symmetry on him right now.
You should make a tutorial on those ornaments or a video.