Hi everybody,
I'm new to the Polycount forums. My idea is to show a historical japanese castle and a ninja girl escaping after she has assassinated her target. Aim is to have more cartoony and colorful visuals. I'm working with Zbrush and using spheres with dynamesh to block in my shapes. I also polypainted some colors to show her form better. Feedback is most welcome. Here's my progress so far.

I just finished her arm but I'm now having serious problems with resymmetry. Everytime I mirror her hand it breaks the whole model. I haven't had this kind of problem before. Probably it's something do with dynamesh. I think I'll retopo her now and make the needed adjustments for her body and face. That will also clear out the mirroring problem. Also it's lot easier to make adjustments then. Her body looks bit awkward now but she will look a lot smoother when I do the new topology.
The knees needs to be lowered as well. Yes, it's stylized but her calves look elongated atm.
I think it would help if you did some drawing over the body mesh for the costume design before even blocking the model out, so you have less technical constraints.
Here's a sword basemesh that I did during my lunch break.