All that passion will go a long way to getting you the job. Just make sure you don't leap in and accept a bad deal in all that excitement. Don't be afraid to negotiate a little, particularly given they asked you for your application in the first place.
Threads like this make me happy. Congrats and keep up that amazing attitude. It is that kind of joy you want from coworkers during those long crunch periods and trust me it is noticed
is my bumping of this thread annoying? If so I'll stop until things are official either way, I'm so excited I can't contain myself!
Yes - probably for the people who aren't putting the time in and are unable to get work, but for the rest of us we're rooting for ya Good luck and keep us posted!
Ok so, just for an update, everything is finalized and my in person interview is on MONDAY (April 1'st, please GOD don't tell me this is some horrible, cruel, elaborate joke this studio is playing on me haha). I really feel like, at this point, I can say who the studio is and the position, but I still feel very compelled to keep it under wraps for whatever reason. I'm going to listen to that voice and just wait.
I'm sooooo freak'n excited and nervous all at the same time. I've been looking at apartments all over and I'm getting there pretty early in the afternoon. Going to schedule as many apartment visits as I can and try and check them out at night. I'd rather get that process going.
I've never been flown out by anyone before, or got a hotel, or a rent-a-car on anyone else's budget, and I feel rude accepting all of it haha. I don't even like having waiters/waitresses clean up after me while I'm eating/after I leave; getting treatment like this always makes me uncomfortable, I'm just a regular dude like everyone else. It's so crazy to me that it's been like, a month and a three days since they first contacted me, and I'm already at this point! If it wasn't for GDC I probably already would have been out there for my interview.
WISH ME LUCK, and hopefully, maybe, come Monday night, you guys will get a pretty exciting post from me Though my birthday IS April 15'nth, would be awesome to get an early birthday present
OH, also guys, I had an idea of making a personalized thank you card maybe with some of my art on it to give out to people. Not really to market myself; it wouldn't have my portfolio on it or anything, just a kind of cool thank you card to give to the people who found me/set these meetings up, and the people I'm interviewing with. I feel kind of cheesy about it but I think it would be appreciated.
....or are thank you cards kind of laughed at in this industry? haha, appreciate any input on this!
As said in another thread, I talk way, way too much
OH, also guys, I had an idea of making a personalized thank you card maybe with some of my art on it to give out to people. Not really to market myself; it wouldn't have my portfolio on it or anything, just a kind of cool thank you card to give to the people who found me/set these meetings up, and the people I'm interviewing with. I feel kind of cheesy about it but I think it would be appreciated.
....or are thank you cards kind of laughed at in this industry? haha, appreciate any input on this!
As said in another thread, I talk way, way too much
I think a bottle of wine or something would be more appreciated tbh. A card with your art on it is only good if you've made something specifically for them, just slapping on stuff you've made before for some other purpose can be conceived as less appreciative from your side even if you've made a card and everything. Buy them something if you really want to thank them. Don't go crazy on the budget though
Thanks guys I'm SUPER positive about this, and once again I can't thank you guys enough for all your support and kind words. It's so cool to have so many people from Polycount behind me and wanting to hear updates . I've been coming to Polycount since I was probably 11-12 (I'll be 26 next month; sorry if I'm repeating myself), and I've really come to love this community. Having you guys be excited for me and support me in this venture almost makes me emotional . Between you guys and my girlfriend I almost can't take it, haha!
I do have another question if you guys could be as so kind to offer any insight. I have two sections to my interview, and the second part, I'm assuming is going to a panel interview. I'm assuming this, because I'll be interviewing with 12 artists from the team. It's slightly intimidating, but currently I'm really not that nervous, I just can't wait to interact with them. I'm not worried at all about "not meshing" in with the crowd, and I feel like I'm going to fit in perfect. As you might be able to tell though, I do tend to kind of ramble on and express myself, so I hope I can keep my words minimal while still expressing myself and answering the questions appropriately. ANYWAY, has anyone here had any experience with the panel-style interview setting? Should I expect a volley of questions to test how I handle stress and how much I know about my job? Could it be more of a "personality" test to see how we all interact? Personally I'm kind of thinking it's going to be both testing my knowledge and seeing how the team interacts with me and if they would like to work with me.
I tried to google everyone and find their portfolio's and see who they were, and EVERY single portfolio I found (about 6 of them I think) were artists that I've seen here from Polycount over the years! How awesome is that? There really aren't that many celebrities I'd really get excited to see (definitely Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, lol), but when it comes to talented artists, I definitely do get a bit excited. I just can't wait to meet these guys and gals and interact with them. Because of how many of them seem to be somewhat regulars on Polycount, I'm beginning to wonder if any of them have seen this thread and realize this thread is about their studio lol. Might have to scour the usernames of all the replies and see if any match up :P
I've been craving for years to work around talented people, learn from each other (well, I'm sure in the beginning I'll be doing all the learning lol), and just be a part of a group that influences each other and helps one another achieve that next tier of quality. IMO creativity, enhancement and bettering one's self thrives where passion, common goals, and talent gather.
Saman; that's a great point and a good idea; regardless I would like to show my appreciation in some manner. I was planning on creating a thank you card made from scratch though, and not just pasting my portfolio art collage style on printer paper. But I think you are right in that something like Wine would be more appreciated, hmm...I'll have to think this over
Also Saman, just took a look over your hand-painted tutorial and really enjoyed it. Not sure how old it is, but I can totally apply a few things from that Appreciate it man!
Congrats so far and good luck 3. Your card idea is cool. Maybe it would work if the theme you chose to represent was the 'now', and the transition it represents.
Perhaps something metaphoric that reflects creativity unleashed? I hate to suggest anything specific and cloud your own creativity, but perhaps a grass field with many empty glass bottles. Above them, a lightning filled sky. Near camera, 'lightning in a bottle' being released.
As for the 'panel-style' setting, just remember that in this case it 'IS' all about 'YOU'. With that in mind, don't be afraid to steer the conversations back to the 'purpose' for which you are all gathered.
Best of luck man! Sounds like you've got things well under control. I hope you've rented a tuxedo. Those always impress people.
Remember that you're there for a reason. It's not a fluke or whatever. I tend to feel like that in those circumstances sometimes. You've said that though somewhat. Just remember you're there cause you have chops. That said I would not kick your feet up on the table and talk crap. Just be yourself and have fun.
being excited about your job(or possibility of a new job) is a very important thing! Growing up I've heard over and over, do what you love. And I tell you what - it makes all the difference in the world!
best of luck!
Today is the big day; im up early, relaxed, calm, things are going to be great. Just have to go in in just over an hour and be myself
Updates later for sure
Remember, durring your interview, imagine yourself in your underwear... Or is it imagine the interviewers in their underwear? Well doing both couldn't hurt!
Its been stated several times already, but your optimism and unbridled excitement for whatever this opportunity may be is awesome to see. I wish you the best!
Thanks so much guys; trust me its KILLING me not to be able to share it...the latest i should hear back is on Monday; i dont see there really being anything else after this phase, but I'm not going to pretend to know how it works
The team i interviewed with was absolutely FANTASTIC...I've never had the pleasure of being in the presence of sl many talented artists that just love what they do and have this raw energy of excitement...they all really seemed to enjoy my interview and it was just awesome
Regardless of what happens, i know I made some connections that I already can appreciate and be thankful for. I took a "risky" move and guessed at some email addresses and emailed a handful of them, and that seemed to go over really well. This whole experience is just awesome. If you have seen my portfolio and read my bio it ends with saying that I truly desire to work alongside other passionate people, and this studio totally has it. I've got to know some great people, and hopefully they will be lasting connections
Just be a little more patient with me guys, i can barely contain myself too haha
You know if you don't get this job, the collective depressive effect on the art community could well result in the collapse of the entire games industry.
You know if you don't get this job, the collective depressive effect on the art community could well result in the collapse of the entire games industry.
Hahahha... also looking forward! Good luck mate, I know the feeling!
I can't stop laughing over here lol
Torch and notman nailed it! I could possibly be a janitor for the electronics department of wal-mart right in the games aisle!
@Jackablade, lol, I hope that's not true, that's a whole lot of pressure knowing that I could accomplish what Atari's ET couldn't @Hitmon and imyj, lol, those gifs are hilarious for this
@ae, TBH I don't see it having an effect, but for some reason I've been internally compelled to not say anything, and I don't know. Your logic has affected me though, so everyone here can thank you for knowing
Also, more importantly, having looked at your portfolio, I need to know what 'Mustache Mayhem' is and how a gator ties in to such a title - video links please!
Congrats man, sounds like you got it in the bag!
Yes - probably for the people who aren't putting the time in and are unable to get work, but for the rest of us we're rooting for ya
Ok so, just for an update, everything is finalized and my in person interview is on MONDAY (April 1'st, please GOD don't tell me this is some horrible, cruel, elaborate joke this studio is playing on me haha). I really feel like, at this point, I can say who the studio is and the position, but I still feel very compelled to keep it under wraps for whatever reason. I'm going to listen to that voice and just wait.
I'm sooooo freak'n excited and nervous all at the same time. I've been looking at apartments all over and I'm getting there pretty early in the afternoon. Going to schedule as many apartment visits as I can and try and check them out at night. I'd rather get that process going.
I've never been flown out by anyone before, or got a hotel, or a rent-a-car on anyone else's budget, and I feel rude accepting all of it haha. I don't even like having waiters/waitresses clean up after me while I'm eating/after I leave; getting treatment like this always makes me uncomfortable, I'm just a regular dude like everyone else. It's so crazy to me that it's been like, a month and a three days since they first contacted me, and I'm already at this point! If it wasn't for GDC I probably already would have been out there for my interview.
WISH ME LUCK, and hopefully, maybe, come Monday night, you guys will get a pretty exciting post from me
OH, also guys, I had an idea of making a personalized thank you card maybe with some of my art on it to give out to people. Not really to market myself; it wouldn't have my portfolio on it or anything, just a kind of cool thank you card to give to the people who found me/set these meetings up, and the people I'm interviewing with. I feel kind of cheesy about it but I think it would be appreciated.
....or are thank you cards kind of laughed at in this industry? haha, appreciate any input on this!
As said in another thread, I talk way, way too much
Best of luck sounds like this might very well be a good B-Day gift.
Best of luck and most important of all be yourself and ask lot's of questions ( prepared in advance of course )
I think a bottle of wine or something would be more appreciated tbh. A card with your art on it is only good if you've made something specifically for them, just slapping on stuff you've made before for some other purpose can be conceived as less appreciative from your side even if you've made a card and everything. Buy them something if you really want to thank them. Don't go crazy on the budget though
And congrats on the interview.
I do have another question if you guys could be as so kind to offer any insight. I have two sections to my interview, and the second part, I'm assuming is going to a panel interview. I'm assuming this, because I'll be interviewing with 12 artists from the team. It's slightly intimidating, but currently I'm really not that nervous, I just can't wait to interact with them. I'm not worried at all about "not meshing" in with the crowd, and I feel like I'm going to fit in perfect. As you might be able to tell though, I do tend to kind of ramble on and express myself, so I hope I can keep my words minimal while still expressing myself and answering the questions appropriately. ANYWAY, has anyone here had any experience with the panel-style interview setting? Should I expect a volley of questions to test how I handle stress and how much I know about my job? Could it be more of a "personality" test to see how we all interact? Personally I'm kind of thinking it's going to be both testing my knowledge and seeing how the team interacts with me and if they would like to work with me.
I tried to google everyone and find their portfolio's and see who they were, and EVERY single portfolio I found (about 6 of them I think) were artists that I've seen here from Polycount over the years! How awesome is that? There really aren't that many celebrities I'd really get excited to see (definitely Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, lol), but when it comes to talented artists, I definitely do get a bit excited. I just can't wait to meet these guys and gals and interact with them. Because of how many of them seem to be somewhat regulars on Polycount, I'm beginning to wonder if any of them have seen this thread and realize this thread is about their studio lol. Might have to scour the usernames of all the replies and see if any match up :P
I've been craving for years to work around talented people, learn from each other (well, I'm sure in the beginning I'll be doing all the learning lol), and just be a part of a group that influences each other and helps one another achieve that next tier of quality. IMO creativity, enhancement and bettering one's self thrives where passion, common goals, and talent gather.
Saman; that's a great point and a good idea; regardless I would like to show my appreciation in some manner. I was planning on creating a thank you card made from scratch though, and not just pasting my portfolio art collage style on printer paper. But I think you are right in that something like Wine would be more appreciated, hmm...I'll have to think this over
Also Saman, just took a look over your hand-painted tutorial and really enjoyed it. Not sure how old it is, but I can totally apply a few things from that
Perhaps something metaphoric that reflects creativity unleashed? I hate to suggest anything specific and cloud your own creativity, but perhaps a grass field with many empty glass bottles. Above them, a lightning filled sky. Near camera, 'lightning in a bottle' being released.
As for the 'panel-style' setting, just remember that in this case it 'IS' all about 'YOU'. With that in mind, don't be afraid to steer the conversations back to the 'purpose' for which you are all gathered.
if we were properly funded, I would totally throw work your way. I dig your style.
Remember that you're there for a reason. It's not a fluke or whatever. I tend to feel like that in those circumstances sometimes. You've said that though somewhat. Just remember you're there cause you have chops. That said I would not kick your feet up on the table and talk crap. Just be yourself and have fun.
best of luck!
Today is the big day; im up early, relaxed, calm, things are going to be great. Just have to go in in just over an hour and be myself
Updates later for sure
Good luck!
It went REALLY well; heading to the airport now, im feeling so good right now
Aaaaah, im so excited
On my last flight, i think ive slept too much to sleep on this one, blah
Maybe the turbulence will rock me to sleep like the last flight
You're killing us all with the suspense!
Thanks so much guys; trust me its KILLING me not to be able to share it...the latest i should hear back is on Monday; i dont see there really being anything else after this phase, but I'm not going to pretend to know how it works
The team i interviewed with was absolutely FANTASTIC...I've never had the pleasure of being in the presence of sl many talented artists that just love what they do and have this raw energy of excitement...they all really seemed to enjoy my interview and it was just awesome
Regardless of what happens, i know I made some connections that I already can appreciate and be thankful for. I took a "risky" move and guessed at some email addresses and emailed a handful of them, and that seemed to go over really well. This whole experience is just awesome. If you have seen my portfolio and read my bio it ends with saying that I truly desire to work alongside other passionate people, and this studio totally has it. I've got to know some great people, and hopefully they will be lasting connections
Just be a little more patient with me guys, i can barely contain myself too haha
me looking for studio name. lol
he likes trolling
Hahahha... also looking forward! Good luck mate, I know the feeling!
TIL Anticipation is a woman
In all seriousness though, I wish you all the luck m8!
Speaking of which the position better be art based, not some janitor role ¬_¬
Torch and notman nailed it! I could possibly be a janitor for the electronics department of wal-mart right in the games aisle!
@Jackablade, lol, I hope that's not true, that's a whole lot of pressure knowing that I could accomplish what Atari's ET couldn't
@Hitmon and imyj, lol, those gifs are hilarious for this
@ae, TBH I don't see it having an effect, but for some reason I've been internally compelled to not say anything, and I don't know. Your logic has affected me though, so everyone here can thank you for knowing
on Monday, I was here
Also, more importantly, having looked at your portfolio, I need to know what 'Mustache Mayhem' is and how a gator ties in to such a title - video links please!