I'm new at making hand-painted textures , so I'm now trying to learn how to paint some nice textures.
i hope to get some crits or paint-over from you guys so i can learn new stuff
Looks like a good start, the tiling works nicely. However, it's currently a little too bland, if you introduce some more colour variations on each individual stone it'll probably look better. Also, it seems it lacks a consistent light direction, I tend to paint all my textures as if the light comes from a 45 degree angle at the top right corner of my texture.
The texture could also use some more contrast in the shadows I think, to make the texture pop more, and the colour of the shadows I'm not too sure of, they look too yellow now for my taste.
i think the yellow is supposed to be light, not shadow?
i agree with mikhga, though, more color variation would be nice, also some more depth variation.
it seems you are directly going in painting the lines, then the highlights and shadows. try to work with bigger brushes first, block out your colors, than gradually go down with smaller brushes.
It's a good start, tiles very nicely! It definately needs some variation from brick to brick to make them a bit more visible. I'd recommend just brightening or darkening each brick a smidge. I'd also give it a little bit of color overall, it looks almost completely desaturated, probably a blue hue would be best.
thanks guys for the helpful crits , here is new version . i think the shading break up the tiling and a new wood texture ( not great ) and a wip environment :
I really like the scene you've started! But you could try some bigger stylized grassblades, this look a little noise somehow. Especially those in the foreground. I'd love to see the ground textures.
thanks u guys , i'm working on small props now . i see a work like this on WAWYO theard and want to make one for practice
here is wath i got and texture sheet
It'd hard to judge, but it looks like your pixel density for the beige vase is unbalanced, granting far more pixels to the hole on top than the detail on the sides. Maybe consider mirroring two sides of the vase to allocate more space for the detail? I'm not sure. The texture space just seems kind of inefficient right now
Also in your first texture make sure the painted in lighting(highlights, shadows) are in their proper place. You have a couple of spots where they conflict and its messing with my head.
OR you can go in a a direction like this where the its more of a ware and tear in stead of an actual light source.
The texture could also use some more contrast in the shadows I think, to make the texture pop more, and the colour of the shadows I'm not too sure of, they look too yellow now for my taste.
Just keep on painting!
i agree with mikhga, though, more color variation would be nice, also some more depth variation.
it seems you are directly going in painting the lines, then the highlights and shadows. try to work with bigger brushes first, block out your colors, than gradually go down with smaller brushes.
here is wath i got and texture sheet
any crits , paintover welcome
here is little update :
crits welcome
This popped out to me immediately it really kind of takes the reality away from the texture it makes it seem very flat
OR you can go in a a direction like this where the its more of a ware and tear in stead of an actual light source.
here is my final image of the props , skulls are not good ;
any crits welcome
here is a sword i did from a concept ..
crits welcome