What's up Polycount? Being a longtime lurker, i've drawn alot of inspiration and motivation from this community and i figured it's about time i participated.
This project first saw light as a school assignment (small 1v1 udk dm map).
Being an avid player of arena type shooters, i loved adding ideas, new areas and how it all fitted together. By now it's more of a 5v5 map. After countless hours of playtesting the blockout, i figured i'd have a go at decorating it.
Since i want to improve my 3D skills (be it HP-, LP moddeling or sculpting), i figured i'd make the assets myself.
I'm now at the point where i've got most of the basic assets to decorate most of it but before i start throwing stuff around i'd like some feedback on..well, everything.
Oh and it's made in UE3 not UDK
(UDK doesn't have all the weapons and pickups iirc)
tldr: Made map with UE3, gonna decorate, need feedback.

I do have several issues that i can't seem to get rid of.
All of them seem to be shadow or lighting problems. If anyone can point me in the right direction, i would appreciate it.

Thx for viewing.
I see you have a very big amount of brown in your scene with some vegetation.. Maby it would be interesting if different types of tiles had some different types of brown or grey so it would not become too much if you understand what I mean.
As for the cloth that's hanging down from that balcony there, it's very light compared to your other assets and also blends in with the brown if in shadow.. by adding assets with the same amount of color all over the place you could get some uniformity in your scene.
It looks good though
Maybe adding a top down of your map can give us some perspective on how well the map would play.
Do you have a 2nd UV channel for all your meshes? Check out this tutorial series, lots of information on lightmaps.
Jessie's right, you seem to be lacking a lot of contrast in the right places, and have too much in the wrong. The plants and banners seem much too bright, they definately need to be taken down a notch. To break up the flat looking browns, I'd suggest kicking up the saturation of the green moss you have going on in the stone work. That'll also help it be a lot more coherent with the foliage. You can try very slightly tweaking the brightness and saturation of various stone textures so that they stand out a bit from eachother too, it could also help to make the shilouhettes a bit more clear.
I think tweaking the lighting could give you a hand too, try giving the ambient light more of a saturated sky blue color, atm, it seems very gray. It's too bad you're not on the udk, I think lightmass would really help you out here.
Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing how this ends up!