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Scaffolding Set Piece

Hello All.
Been working on a set piece for my portfolio, and would like feedback if you would be so kind.
Here is the direct link: http://davidjohngardner.com/portfolio-items/scaffolding-set-piece/
A description of my workflow and applications used is all on the page.

As a side note, I did replicate this set piece from an existing prop in Black Ops 2, on the map Slums. I liked the way it looked, and wanted to replicate the best I could.

There is other sub/below-par stuff on my site, but ignore that as I'm overhauling it with my best stuff over the next few months. Feel free to look at them, but don't provide feedback on those particular ones.

Thanks in advance.


  • djgardner
    Offline / Send Message
    Bumping. Would really like some feedback on this asset.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Can't post those images here?

    From a development standpoint, this could be achieved with a few small tiles just as well.

    Asset itself looks fine. Good scale, good presentation, nice diffuse.

    The normal map isn't doing much. The wood grain, pulled from xnromal, is the only thing doing work. Therefore it doesn't show zbrush use or effective normal map knowledge.

    The specular is a slightly adjusted grey scale diffuse. Thus also not showing a command of specular maps. Edge highlights, color.

    Portfolio pieces need to showcase skills in the fullest. Train them up and hide the faults.
  • djgardner
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks cholden.
    Haven't found out how people insert images in a forum post, other than uploading them to polycount, which makes them separate images files you need to click, with no preview in post. Posting them to my site, then posting link seems more logically anyway.

    Glad you think my scale and diffuse are good to you. Those two were my biggest issues early on and i've been constantly making props and texturing them to improve that.
    I agree, my normal and spec map creation need improving. Seems like I'll have to learn thru trial and error till I improve.

    Thanks for your feedback!
  • DWalker
    Offline / Send Message
    The scaffold base needs feet.

    The cross beams are often left unpainted (i.e. bare metal).

    I don't know why you've caused the braces to narrow in the top half - the braces are always thinner at the bottom.
  • djgardner
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for the advice DWalker,
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