Hi there!
For my final year project, I'm recreating a character from the Games Workshop audio book, Raven's Flight.
These are the quote I'm working from -
Name -Colonel Marcus Valerius
Fatigued look
Curled brown hair
Grimy filth of the day
Narrow chin with stubble
Thin Moustache takes pride in his facial hair
Silk Shirt
Golden braids in shoulder length hair
Knee length breeches, tied with black cord
Traditional Riding Boots
Red Sash around waist and left shoulder, tassel hangs down past right leg.
Belt around waist
Dress sword in a scabbard on left hip
Black half cloak, with scarlet fur hung from right shoulder
Noble, takes pride in being an officer
This is my progress so far -

This model is going to be 3D printed by
http://www.shapeways.com at both 28mm as well as around the 100mm range as well.
If anyone has any feedback, it would all be greatly appreciated

Here is the progress so far.
I think hes modeling based off the actual miniature.
Just started to add the finishing touches now -
The first two renders are done with mental ray. The second is a compiled ZBrush render and the third is a 3DS Max render compiled in Photoshop. Any CC or feedback would be greatly appreciated.