Hey, i got a little problem with the proxy creation in 3ds max 2013.
The material editor is easier in 3ds max 2012, but i got a custom rock model and need some help on how you create it. Anyone knows how to create a proxy for this type of model:
For your problem, I don't really get it, the material editor also didn't changed a lot (you don't have to use the node-based version just change to compact and you get the good old editor).
Now to you Question.. Just create a simple Box that fits the size of the rock, I think you need to watch that the mesh has no parts outside this box. Change it to EditPoly and give it MatID 2 your rock has MatID1. Now simply create a MultiSub material and use the Crytek Shader for MatID change the Settings to NoDraw and Physics you can also use 50% opacity and a color u like, e.g. red to seperate it from the model. Both the model and the proxy will be linked to a helper with following naming conventions:
Mesh -> rock_rendermesh
proxy -> $physics_proxy_01 (after the second _ you can choose anything u like e.g. $physics_proxy_rock1)
helper -> rock
Also remember to name the material and import it to engine. For exporting your model after you've linked everything just select the helper and add it to the list, untick "merge all nodes" and tick "export seperate per file" (or similar) then press export and you're done.