If we should believe these news ppl there's not much to worry about but it still looks soo awesome. I do feel sorry for any casualties that might have happened but my curiosity takes over really fast seeing something like this.
Editor's Note: NASA statement on Russian meteor:
"According to NASA scientists, the trajectory of the Russian meteorite was significantly different than the trajectory of the asteroid 2012 DA14, making it a completely unrelated object. Information is still being collected about the Russian meteorite and analysis is preliminary at this point. In videos of the meteor, it is seen to pass from left to right in front of the rising sun, which means it was traveling from north to south. Asteroid DA14's trajectory is in the opposite direction, from south to north."
There's supposed to be a football size meteor passing us at 2pm EST. Nasa seems to be streaming the passby of DA14 http://www.ustream.tv/nasajpl2
The reptilian overlords has announced their arrival...and shitty landing protocols. All hail the reptilian overlords! May our brain shrink to peanuts so we can worship better!
500 injuries, mostly by shattered glass. I guess rushing to the window to see what the rumbling is all about, isn't a great idea if its going to be followed by an impact that shatters the window...
/lowers blinds, moves mattress in front of window.
Seeing this really puts back into perspective that we are on a rock which is liable to things hitting us. People usually say "oh a big thing will never hit us", this prooves that big rocks can hit us and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
Seeing this really puts back into perspective that we are on a rock which is liable to things hitting us. People usually say "oh a big thing will never hit us", this prooves that big rocks can hit us and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
We do have ways to divert asteroids from impact trajectories. Trick is seeing them coming.
I've been reading about the 'Electric Universe' theory which puts a different light on the formation of solar systems, and interaction between sun, planets and comets/ asteroids than the mainstream allows. Emphasizing the electromagnetic factors which are downplayed in the established focus on gravity and comets as merely frozen rocks where only direct impact matters (once every 100,000 years). Today we are reminded that Tunguska type events don't necessarily produce traceable craters but can 'detonate' in mid air and still produce damage at earth level. Mid air explosions need not make any traces for history but surely some do, just look at the 'Carolina bays' which don't seem to be craters from direct impact but rather humongous mid-air ablations.
Lately I've been reading about comets and their impact in human history as we know it or rather as we don't know it. Turns out human history have had quite a few upsets and resets by cosmic debris and somehow history won't allow us this bigger picture despite massive amounts of evidence. Fireball sightings have been growing exponentially within the last years, and it seems the event in russia today may just be a raindrop in a sheet of rain about to hit.
I'm not trying to monger fear, just share some information, as I think it would be valuable (and it would matter) if more would be prepared for the consequences of this.
I'm not trying to monger fear, just share some information, as I think it would be valuable (and it would matter) if more would be prepared for the consequences of this.
Maybe the Russians will look at designing a new rocket after 35 years...
Yeah we get it the soyuz and protons are reliable as hell, and look badass to boot. But it would be nice to see them innovating once again!
Not these days, not going to happen. Unless there's another major world conflict, like WWII or Cold War. Right now space industry is all about cost and efficiency. Get more shit into space, spend less money. Polishing old reliable tech is way more efficient than developing new one.
apparently they are expecting another one at some point today!
and then you have D14 coming!
These cameras record everything literally!
There we go man sometimes the youtube urls dont seem to work.
Just shy of a thousand people stood next to their windows when the boom hit and shattered them all. Virtually all were minor injuries.
There's supposed to be a football size meteor passing us at 2pm EST. Nasa seems to be streaming the passby of DA14
Sounds pretty awesome
better stock up on bottled water
no use man, it's a Tyranid hive ship...
this is only the beginning.
Bit of a scary headline being based in London.
How big does a fragment from the asteroid need to be for them to know it's headed our way? Hmmmm.
/lowers blinds, moves mattress in front of window.
Football size? You mean football pitch size.
We do have ways to divert asteroids from impact trajectories. Trick is seeing them coming.
j/k, awesome stuff, though i do feel sorry for those that got hurt, but hopefully it's nothing too serious.
The timing is quite interesting, only in couple of hours a meteor will be coming near Earth very, very close iirc.
I bet it's aliens after all.
Which reminds me of this scene, hehe:
whoops sorry meant football pitch haha. Casually checking the nasa stream
I've been reading about the 'Electric Universe' theory which puts a different light on the formation of solar systems, and interaction between sun, planets and comets/ asteroids than the mainstream allows. Emphasizing the electromagnetic factors which are downplayed in the established focus on gravity and comets as merely frozen rocks where only direct impact matters (once every 100,000 years). Today we are reminded that Tunguska type events don't necessarily produce traceable craters but can 'detonate' in mid air and still produce damage at earth level. Mid air explosions need not make any traces for history but surely some do, just look at the 'Carolina bays' which don't seem to be craters from direct impact but rather humongous mid-air ablations.
Lately I've been reading about comets and their impact in human history as we know it or rather as we don't know it. Turns out human history have had quite a few upsets and resets by cosmic debris and somehow history won't allow us this bigger picture despite massive amounts of evidence. Fireball sightings have been growing exponentially within the last years, and it seems the event in russia today may just be a raindrop in a sheet of rain about to hit.
I'm not trying to monger fear, just share some information, as I think it would be valuable (and it would matter) if more would be prepared for the consequences of this.
The book I'm reading atm:
So glad I live in Canada, then. We're covered!
Electric universe is silly pseudoscience
Great to see space programs being advanced thanks to the power of fear *thunder clap*.
Yeah we get it the soyuz and protons are reliable as hell, and look badass to boot. But it would be nice to see them innovating once again!
I'm sorry, I saw this and just had to post it..:D
Anyone else laughing?
Tell me i'm not the only one.
Not these days, not going to happen. Unless there's another major world conflict, like WWII or Cold War. Right now space industry is all about cost and efficiency. Get more shit into space, spend less money. Polishing old reliable tech is way more efficient than developing new one.
Here is a good read on the subject: