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Marmoset 3D Blanket

polycounter lvl 7
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Polynaut polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys, I'm trying to get as much detail out of Marmoset as I can for a blanket I'm working on. Does anyone know of any tuts or better workflow for achieving a soft 'feeling' blanket in Marmoset? This isn't for a game, but I do need the blanket to be rendered out in Marmoset. Thanks in advance.


Here is my workflow and specs:

Modeling and nCloth - Maya
About 100,000 tri's
Diffuse, Spec and Displacement - Photoshop

I've got a Skin Environment shader set for this blanket because I found it offers the softest transition between highlights and shadows.


I also found a normal map does very little for the blanket since the displacement is so noisy.

Any help/feedback would be appreciated.


  • EarthQuake
    Can you post some reference of what you want it to look like?
    What exactly are you not happy about with what you have here?
  • Polynaut
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    Polynaut polycounter lvl 7
    EarthQuake - Here is an example of what I'm shooting for. Right now mine looks more like an area rug than a blanket.


  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    I feel like more lighter colors might make it appear lighter? I have no idea. Maybe a hint more specularity or lighter coloring? Maybe even better lighting?

    Rationally, I know that doesn't make sense but comparing the two images, it seems to be the lighter colors that make that blanket appear softer than your render.
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Oh you know what? I think it's the fresnel that's giving it that softness.
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    I think in this case the amount and size of the wrinkles isn't helping your model feel soft. The big wrinkles give it a feeling of a sturdy thick material rather than a soft thin fabric. If you look at the example picture you can see a lot of smaller wrinkles near the corners of the blanket.

    So I don't think it's just the material that'll fix the problem for you.
  • EarthQuake
    MeintevdS wrote: »
    I think in this case the amount and size of the wrinkles isn't helping your model feel soft. The big wrinkles give it a feeling of a sturdy thick material rather than a soft thin fabric. If you look at the example picture you can see a lot of smaller wrinkles near the corners of the blanket.

    So I don't think it's just the material that'll fix the problem for you.

    Yeah, this is a really good point, the folds are throwing off the scale of the model right now.
  • Polynaut
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    Polynaut polycounter lvl 7
    Very good points guys! I think it feels like a rug right now because it looks like it has that hard back that area rugs have. Thanks for the feedback. I'll work more on this today. Not sure if I'm going to go back into Maya to tweak nCloth or just sculpt some wrinkling in zBrush.

    I'll post what I come up with.
  • Polynaut
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    Polynaut polycounter lvl 7
    Ok. This is where I got today while I was messing around with this idea in Max.

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