So, i figured i'd have a go at something i've not really done yet properly and that's a normal realistic interior rather than anything overly sci-fi.
So with that in mind, this is the project i've chosen.
Tony Stark's Malibu home (garage only):
Latest update:

It's very early stages so far, only 2 nights spent work on it. The lights up the tunnel are really un-optimised since they're actually 3 spot lights in one. Those will be changed to a single emissive plane with a texture on it for that purpose.
The floor is using a masked transparent texture with a 23D reflect capture actor beneath it for a quick and easy reflective floor, but again, not very optimised. I'm also getting the lgihts in the room reflecting back, so i'll have to think about this part a bit more.
I might mess with the lighting hues a bit more, but for now i've used the post process chain to get an average and light environment going till i figure out how i want it to be.
With the bright windows being the most reflected, and the other objects in the reflection being much more subtle.
But giving it a bit of lighter tones or darker tones here and there to vary the light a bit wouldn't hurt, maybe even a bit of grunge in places, but very subtle.
edit: also just noticed i'm using a bit too many spot lights on that curved wall
I'm liking the nearly arch-viz feel to this. If you're going for realism and you run into anything, the UDK forums have a fairly big Arch viz community.
edit: Looking at it now too, the ceiling is a bit too rough. I'll make a smoother material for that section, give it a bit of variation from the rest of the concrete around the room too. Still needs the lights cut in though, which i'm working on.
Then i'll move onto the workshop area, need to get the light tubes put in there as well as the proper back wall and glass windows plus the stairs. Still lots to do before i can even think about making any props or tid-bits around this place yet.
So far i still need to update the tunnel with some much better lighting, i've been thinking of putting the lights it's using there currently against a black texture and screengrabbing the spotlight shapes that it's using to use as an emissive texture. Making it from scratch in photoshop didn't end well.
It also needs the suit cabinet area, that bit is a bit more tucked into the wall on the second movie which is the one i've basing this off, and it's got a fair amount of detail, so that'll be a nice focus point for that side of the room.
It was also using the original fog from the starting scene, so i've removed that now and it's much crisper too. Bumped up the tone mapper too to give the colours more juice although might be too much, we'll see.
So i've finished the actual room now pretty much, save for a few tweaks here and there. It's pretty bland as you can see.
My next step is to start off adding in the many many many props this place has, so i'm starting with the coffee/tea prep corner that has the massive TV on the wall.
But before i start that, here's the update. I've made the Ironman suit rack for the wall.
I'm likely going to be t-paging things, but even then, the amount of unique props in here looking at the film as a direct reference is staggering, but hopefully i can get away with re-using alot of different textures on the smaller stuff/less obvious areas.
cheers, i may update it a bit more soon, work on the distortn a bit more, see what i can get out of it.
For now, here's my latest updates. Only a few props added in, the jukebox isn't terribly detailed up close, but i may put some more work into the textures later on, there's no grunge or detailing what-so-ever yet. The cabinet is using a previous material i made for the suit display area on the chrome pieces, and the screen is the largest texture so far taking up the majority of a 1024x1024 texture. unfortunately it's static, maybe i'll get it moving, but i doubt it. unless i can get it linked to a .gif or better yet, a video.
updated the suit display too, looking much better now.
My workflow for this isn't that thought through tbh though, i made it in a bit of a hurry :P but i'll likely come back to it.
Here's how i did it:
1x 2048x1024 texture of a non-tiling rug material for the central rug mesh, and then an alpha border on the edge of the texture for the border mesh around the edge. This is one material that's set to masked.
Then, i duplicated the mesh, offset it and enlarged to get a layered effect and then did this once more.
Last thing i did was create a new material from the original masked rug material and set it to translucent using the same alpha mask. This was applied to a second mesh i made which is just the border mesh (had issues with overlaying meshes using a transparent shader) to create the soft edges of the rug.
Could have been optimised:
used 2 smaller textures one for thealphas around the edge and the other just a tiling texture. Use overlay meshes to hide the tiling on the center of the rug.
Not sure if this would have gotten the same texture res, but who knows. Might give it a go eventually, but for now, it's fine.
Cheers, Youandih