Case One:
This head was modelled using a combination of workflows from Scott Spencers "Zbrush Human Anatomy" and some work from a
Fellow PolyCounter
It Began slowly and roughly:

The progressed quickly over the next 2-3 Hours

And, To finish the model a poor attempt at using Fibremesh

Please Excuse the randomness of the images, while they show progression, they weren't designed for this thread.
Self Evaluation
- Not to use Fibremesh, but provides a decent placeholder
- Face could be slightly longer
- More care towards placement of Wrinkles
If I were to take this model to engine, I would use planes for the Hair, But I would like to learn more on how they created Hair in the Samaritan, Some appear to be generated while others resemble planes.
The model looks great so far, however I believe the wrinkles around the mouth, in my opinion looks a tiny bit too steep or off.
Keep up the great work! Hope you can find the advice you're looking for.
Wrinkle or muscle under the eyes seam too smooth and don't have definition on them
Overal tho, it's looking pretty good!
I'll definitely look into improving the wrinkles in general they could really do with another pass on the forehead.
Asymmetrical details should just be a case of moving and tweaking some of the major form, I'll have to look into more detail but it seems the case,
Its quite hard to get the correct balance between the front and side due to the consistent changes in position and facial expression.
Any links or reference you guys can offer would be great too thank you
EDIT: I am also looking for some useful skin texture alphas to help improve the quality of the wrinkles, If you could share any gems that would be seriously appreciated
For now I've just been playing with the "Surface Noise" and adjusting the strength of the Layer
I took the annoying Fibremesh hair off it was just ruining the quality of the sculpt, I still don't know enough about that software to use it correctly,
Does anyone know if its involved for DX11 Hair?
Also some progress so far,
Main updates would be
- Eye detail and wrinkles
- Cheek detail and structure
- Chin and Mouth adjustments
- Skin and Stuble pores
Any C&C would be appreciated, I feel some of the wrinkles may be a bit Overkill
Straight after I posted that update I made similar changes, and just spent a short while on that again now, Hopefully this will be an improvement
Just as a test I had a go at quickly dragging out some colour in the eyes, only using Standard brush and drag tool, The eyes seem odd, but I'm not sure, I was never GREAT at doing eyes.
I was playing with it, but its so hard to find that balance between highlighting subtle facial features...
and making him look like his drunk or on drugs :P,
I'll be sure to keep trying at it, I did some minute tweaks to his mouth line to mimic it, but perhaps it was too subtle
Just a slight update with a bit of polypainting involved,
The other mesh is the DT3D mesh, im using it as reference and comparison
There is the shader, it really isn't that complex,
So i feel as though theres alot more i can do to it, But im struggling to find out what.
ANy advice?
Just an addition, been playing with the shader ever so slightly, then decided to throw it around my light room to see how it would respond in different lighting, and it seems to be pretty damn strong
Now with Eyes...
I hate eyes
Eye Style 2
Probably one of my last updates,
@Neilberard, Your totally right, its because I totally forgot to model in some sort of eyelid, I suppose I could try and put them in as floating assets, not really tried that before,
It was one of those mistakes where you do a quick test to see how its all going, get excited by the test and continue without correcting, I was looking at Ben Mathis' tutorial here
So if he does that for the tear duct and eyelashes/brows Im sure eye lids won't hurt